Ken Feinberg Email & Phone Number

Ken Feinberg

Attorney and Consultant at KFeinbergLaw, LLC | Greater Cleveland

Ken Feinberg Socials
About Ken Feinberg

Ken Feinberg is a distinguished attorney and consultant at KFeinbergLaw, LLC, where he leverages his extensive legal expertise to counsel businesses and entrepreneurs across a spectrum of critical areas, including technology agreements, licensing, governance, compliance, employment, and strategic planning. With a rich background in strategic negotiations and professional services, Ken has built a reputation for navigating complex legal landscapes and providing tailored solutions that drive business success.

In his current role, Ken is deeply involved in key projects that address the multifaceted challenges faced by modern enterprises. His work often includes guiding clients through mergers and acquisitions, conducting thorough due diligence, and establishing robust governance frameworks that align with industry regulations and best practices. Ken’s strategic partnerships and executive management skills enable him to foster collaborative relationships that enhance operational efficiency and support the growth ambitions of his clients.

Ken’s passion for innovation is evident in his approach to technology agreements, where he helps clients harness the power of intellectual property while ensuring compliance with ever-evolving legal standards. His ability to engage with diverse stakeholders—from C-suite executives to operational teams—positions him as a trusted advisor capable of delivering insights that resonate across all levels of an organization. As he continues to engage with impressive business-minded professionals, Ken remains committed to solving complex issues with a strategic mindset, ultimately empowering his clients to achieve their goals in an increasingly competitive landscape.

Ken Feinberg Work
1 experience icon

Attorney and Consultant at KFeinbergLaw, LLC in May 2021 to Present

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Executive Vice President Legal & Compliance at Loadsure in March 2022 to Present

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Attorney at Harpst Becker LLC in February 2020 to May 2021

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Ken Feinberg Education

Charles F. Brush, February 1979 to February 1980

Case Western Reserve University School of Law, JD, Law, February 1984 to February 1987

Bowling Green State University, BS/BA, Marketing, February 1980 to February 1984

Ken Feinberg Skills

Strategic Negotiations

Software as a Service (SaaS)

Software Licensing

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Frequently Asked Questions about Ken Feinberg

What is Ken Feinberg email address?

Email Ken Feinberg at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Ken Feinberg's email found in 2025.

What is Ken Feinberg phone number?

Ken Feinberg phone number is (330) 618-8767.

How to contact Ken Feinberg?

To contact Ken Feinberg send an email at [email protected] or [email protected] you want to call Ken Feinberg try calling on (330) 618-8767.

What company does Ken Feinberg work for?

Ken Feinberg works for KFeinbergLaw, LLC

What is Ken Feinberg's role at KFeinbergLaw, LLC?

Ken Feinberg is Attorney and Consultant

What industry does Ken Feinberg work in?

Ken Feinberg works in the Computer Software industry.

Ken Feinberg Email Addresses

Email Ken Feinberg at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Ken Feinberg's email found in 2025.

Ken Feinberg Phone Numbers

Ken Feinberg phone number is (330) 618-8767.
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