John Chia Email & Phone Number

John Chia

Owner at Innovative Media, LLC | Olney Mill, Maryland, United States

John Chia Socials
About John Chia

John Chia is a seasoned professional in the audiovisual and systems engineering landscape, currently serving as the Owner of Innovative Media, LLC. With a robust background in designing, engineering, and installing sophisticated teleconferencing and audiovisual systems, John has established himself as a leader in the industry. His expertise encompasses a wide array of technologies, including Crestron, Extron, Polycom, and Tangberg, which he skillfully integrates to create seamless audio/video experiences in boardrooms, data centers, and training rooms.

At Innovative Media, John spearheads key projects that focus on enhancing corporate environments through tailored audio, video, lighting, and IT solutions. His role extends beyond mere installation; he is deeply involved in the design and integration of complex systems that include security and access solutions, ensuring that every aspect of a corporate event or conference runs smoothly. With a keen eye for detail and a commitment to excellence, John has successfully managed numerous high-profile corporate events and trade shows, where his skills in video conferencing and live event production shine.

John’s proficiency in control systems design and project management allows him to oversee projects from conception to completion, ensuring that client expectations are not only met but exceeded. His passion for technology and innovation drives him to stay at the forefront of industry trends, continually enhancing his skill set to provide cutting-edge solutions. As a trusted partner in the audiovisual sector, John Chia is dedicated to delivering exceptional experiences that empower organizations to communicate effectively and engage their audiences.

John Chia Work
1 experience icon

Owner at Innovative Media, LLC in August 2005 to Present

2 experience icon

Project Manager at New Technology Solutions Group in January 2007 to Present

3 experience icon

Tech at Projection Presentation Technology in January 2008 to Present

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John Chia Education

University of Maryland College Park, BS, January 1992 to January 1997

John Chia Skills

Audio Engineering

Video Conferencing

Audio Design

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Frequently Asked Questions about John Chia

What is John Chia email address?

Email John Chia at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated John Chia's email found in 2025.

What is John Chia phone number?

John Chia phone number is +1.3016485187.

How to contact John Chia?

To contact John Chia send an email at [email protected] or [email protected] you want to call John Chia try calling on +1.3016485187.

What company does John Chia work for?

John Chia works for Innovative Media, LLC

What is John Chia's role at Innovative Media, LLC?

John Chia is Owner

What industry does John Chia work in?

John Chia works in the Information Technology & Services industry.

John Chia Email Addresses

Email John Chia at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated John Chia's email found in 2025.

John Chia Phone Numbers

John Chia phone number is +1.3016485187.
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