John Bartolotta Email & Phone Number

John Bartolotta

Owner at Sticky Labels, LLC | Monongahela, Pennsylvania, United States

John Bartolotta Socials
About John Bartolotta

John Bartolotta, as the Owner of Sticky Labels, LLC, has carved a niche in the quick-service restaurant (QSR) industry by revolutionizing the way take-out orders are managed and presented. With a keen understanding of operational efficiency and customer satisfaction, John leads a team dedicated to providing innovative labeling solutions that enhance the take-out experience. His expertise in sales management and customer relations has been pivotal in establishing Sticky Labels as a trusted partner for restaurants looking to streamline their order fulfillment processes.

One of John's key projects involves the development and implementation of a comprehensive take-out label program that not only identifies food items but also incorporates modifiers for customization. This initiative ensures that each order is accurately prepared and packaged, significantly reducing the chances of errors that can lead to customer dissatisfaction. By utilizing liner-free, silicone-free, and BPA-free labels, Sticky Labels aligns with industry trends toward sustainability, appealing to environmentally conscious consumers.

John's problem-solving skills are evident in his ability to address common challenges faced by restaurants, such as order accuracy and efficiency in service. He employs advanced tools like Excel for data management and analysis, enabling him to track sales trends and customer feedback effectively. His commitment to coaching and mentoring his team fosters a culture of excellence, ensuring that every interaction with clients is grounded in professionalism and a deep understanding of their needs. Through his leadership, Sticky Labels, LLC continues to innovate, making a significant impact on the QSR landscape and enhancing the overall dining experience for customers.

John Bartolotta Work
1 experience icon

Owner at Sticky Labels, LLC in September 2014 to Present

2 experience icon

Director of IT at Mon Valley Foods, Inc in January 1995 to September 2014

3 experience icon

Independent Sales Consultant at NETS POS, LLC in September 2010 to August 2014

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John Bartolotta Education

California University of Pennsylvania, BA, January 1977 to January 1981

John Bartolotta Skills

Sales Management


Team Building

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Frequently Asked Questions about John Bartolotta

What is John Bartolotta email address?

Email John Bartolotta at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated John Bartolotta's email found in 2025.

What is John Bartolotta phone number?

John Bartolotta phone number is 1-800-518-7834.

How to contact John Bartolotta?

To contact John Bartolotta send an email to [email protected] or [email protected]. If you want to call John Bartolotta try calling on 1-800-518-7834.

What company does John Bartolotta work for?

John Bartolotta works for Sticky Labels, LLC

What is John Bartolotta's role at Sticky Labels, LLC?

John Bartolotta is Owner

What industry does John Bartolotta work in?

John Bartolotta works in the Business Supplies & Equipment industry.

John Bartolotta Email Addresses

Email John Bartolotta at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated John Bartolotta's email found in 2025.

John Bartolotta Phone Numbers

John Bartolotta phone number is 1-800-518-7834.
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