Jim Shaffer Email & Phone Number

Jim Shaffer

Chief Retail Distribution Officer at Ryan Specialty Underwriting Managers | Greater Philadelphia

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About Jim Shaffer

As the Chief Retail Distribution Officer at Ryan Specialty Underwriting Managers, Jim Shaffer plays a pivotal role in shaping the sales and marketing strategies for a robust portfolio of property and casualty general underwriters and national specialty programs. With over 30 years of extensive experience in the insurance industry, Jim has honed his expertise in navigating complex risks and delivering innovative solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of clients. His leadership is instrumental in overseeing a delegated authority underwriting business that encompasses over 150 lines of business, ensuring that Ryan Specialty remains at the forefront of the market.

Jim’s strategic vision is complemented by his deep understanding of various insurance sectors, including workers' compensation, commercial insurance, and reinsurance. His proficiency in risk management and legal liability, particularly in the realm of Directors & Officers (D&O) liability, allows him to provide bespoke solutions that address the intricacies of modern insurance challenges. Under his guidance, Ryan Specialty has successfully launched key projects that enhance distribution channels and foster relationships with agents and brokers, thereby expanding market reach and driving growth.

Jim’s commitment to excellence and innovation is reflected in his ability to adapt to the evolving landscape of the insurance industry. His collaborative approach not only empowers his team but also cultivates a culture of continuous improvement and responsiveness to client needs. As a thought leader in the field, Jim Shaffer is dedicated to advancing the capabilities of Ryan Specialty Underwriting Managers, ensuring the organization remains a trusted partner for complex risk solutions in an ever-changing environment.

Jim Shaffer Work
1 experience icon

Chief Retail Distribution Officer at Ryan Specialty Underwriting Managers in October 2022 to Present

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Executive Vice President, Sales & Marketing at SUITELIFE®Underwriting Managers in October 2019 to October 2022

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Executive Vice President at Venture Insurance Programs in March 2000 to October 2019

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Jim Shaffer Education

Susquehanna University, Bachelor of Science - BS with Honors, January 1989 to January 1993

Jim Shaffer Skills

Program Development


Property & Casualty Insurance

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About Jim Shaffer's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Jim Shaffer

What is Jim Shaffer email address?

Email Jim Shaffer at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Jim Shaffer's email found in 2025.

How to contact Jim Shaffer?

To contact Jim Shaffer send an email to [email protected]. (updated on January 18, 2024)

What company does Jim Shaffer work for?

Jim Shaffer works for Ryan Specialty Underwriting Managers

What is Jim Shaffer's role at Ryan Specialty Underwriting Managers?

Jim Shaffer is Chief Retail Distribution Officer

What is Jim Shaffer's Phone Number?

Jim Shaffer's phone (**) *** *** 657

What industry does Jim Shaffer work in?

Jim Shaffer works in the Insurance industry.

Jim Shaffer Email Addresses

Email Jim Shaffer at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Jim Shaffer's email found in 2025.

Jim Shaffer Phone Numbers

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