Jett Black Email & Phone Number

Jett Black

Chief Executive Officer at Cake, Inc. | Little Rock, Arkansas, United States

Jett Black Socials
About Jett Black

As the Chief Executive Officer of Cake, Inc., Jett Black stands at the forefront of innovation in the technology sector, particularly in the realm of software development for parking management solutions. With a deep-seated passion for transforming ideas into tangible products, Jett leverages his expertise as a creative technologist to spearhead projects that push the boundaries of what is possible. Under his leadership, Cake, Inc. has focused on developing user-friendly, cost-effective revenue collection and enforcement software that empowers parking operators and owners to streamline their operations.

Jett's strategic vision is complemented by his robust technical skills, including proficiency in Objective-C, Swift, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, which enable him to oversee the development of both web and mobile applications. His hands-on experience with frameworks like React Native and backend technologies such as Firebase ensures that Cake, Inc. remains at the cutting edge of software solutions, delivering products that not only meet but exceed client expectations.

Currently, Jett is leading key projects aimed at enhancing the user experience and operational efficiency of parking management systems. By integrating advanced analytics and machine learning capabilities into Cake's offerings, he is committed to providing clients with actionable insights that drive revenue growth and improve customer satisfaction. Jett's unique ability to balance the complexities of software development with the practical needs of organizations positions him as a visionary leader in the tech industry, dedicated to making a lasting impact on how parking is managed globally.

Jett Black Work
1 experience icon

Chief Executive Officer at Cake, Inc. in January 2022 to Present

2 experience icon

CTO at Hah Parking in October 2018 to January 2022

3 experience icon

COO at Dynepic, Inc. in January 2018 to October 2018

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Jett Black Education

College of Charleston, Bachelor’s Degree, Computer Science, December 2024

Jett Black Skills




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Frequently Asked Questions about Jett Black

What company does Jett Black work for?

Jett Black works for Cake, Inc.

What is Jett Black's role at Cake, Inc.?

Jett Black is Chief Executive Officer

What is Jett Black's personal email address?

Jett Black's personal email address is je****[email protected]

What is Jett Black's business email address?

Jett Black's business email address is j****[email protected]

What is Jett Black's Phone Number?

Jett Black's phone (501) ***-*234

What industry does Jett Black work in?

Jett Black works in the Computer Software industry.

Jett Black Email Addresses

Jett Black Phone Numbers

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