Jennifer Mcmurray Email & Phone Number

Jennifer Mcmurray

Physician Assistant Certified at East Liberty Family Health Care Center | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States

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About Jennifer Mcmurray

Jennifer McMurray is a dedicated Physician Assistant Certified (PAC) at the East Liberty Family Health Care Center in Pittsburgh, PA, where she combines her passion for medicine with a commitment to healthcare justice. In her current role, Jennifer specializes in telehealth, providing both primary and mental health care to patients through a user-friendly video platform. This innovative approach not only enhances accessibility for her patients but also allows her to reach underserved communities, ensuring that quality healthcare is within everyone's reach.

Jennifer's expertise in telehealth has been instrumental in adapting to the evolving landscape of healthcare delivery, especially in the wake of recent challenges. She skillfully navigates Electronic Medical Records (EMR) to maintain accurate patient information while utilizing her strong patient education skills to empower individuals in managing their health. Her proficiency in Basic Life Support (BLS) and experience in pediatrics further enrich her practice, allowing her to cater to a diverse patient demographic.

In addition to her clinical responsibilities, Jennifer is passionate about building meaningful relationships with her patients, which she believes is fundamental to effective care. She employs nonviolent communication techniques to foster trust and open dialogue, ensuring that her patients feel heard and valued. As a preceptor, she also shares her knowledge and experience with aspiring healthcare professionals, emphasizing the importance of compassionate care and advocacy in the medical field.

Through her work at East Liberty Family Health Care Center, Jennifer McMurray exemplifies the role of a modern healthcare provider—one who not only treats illness but also champions the cause of health equity and community well-being.

Jennifer Mcmurray Work
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Physician Assistant Certified at East Liberty Family Health Care Center in April 2020 to Present

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Physician Assistant Certified at OhioHealth in November 2018 to January 2020

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Physician Assistant Certified at Health Partners of Western Ohio in November 2013 to November 2018

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Jennifer Mcmurray Education

Gannon University, Master’s Degree, January 2012 to January 2013

Gannon University, Bachelor’s Degree, January 2008 to January 2012

Jennifer Mcmurray Skills

Primary Care

Mental Health


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Frequently Asked Questions about Jennifer Mcmurray

What is Jennifer Mcmurray email address?

Email Jennifer Mcmurray at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Jennifer Mcmurray's email found in 2024.

How to contact Jennifer Mcmurray?

To contact Jennifer Mcmurray send an email at [email protected].

What company does Jennifer Mcmurray work for?

Jennifer Mcmurray works for East Liberty Family Health Care Center

What is Jennifer Mcmurray's role at East Liberty Family Health Care Center?

Jennifer Mcmurray is Physician Assistant Certified

What is Jennifer Mcmurray's Phone Number?

Jennifer Mcmurray's phone (215) ***-*356

Jennifer Mcmurray Email Addresses

Email Jennifer Mcmurray at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Jennifer Mcmurray's email found in 2024.

Jennifer Mcmurray Phone Numbers

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