Jeffrey Lippincott Email & Phone Number

Jeffrey Lippincott

CADD Design at Tank Fab, Inc. | Rocky Point, North Carolina, United States

Jeffrey Lippincott Socials
About Jeffrey Lippincott

Jeffrey Lippincott currently serves as the CADD Design specialist at Tank Fab, Inc., where he leverages his extensive expertise in process piping design and solid modeling to drive innovative solutions for the manufacturing of pressure-treated wood and industrial hose products. With a strong focus on the creation and management of customer and vendor relationships, Jeffrey plays a pivotal role in ensuring that the company meets its operational goals while maintaining high standards of quality and efficiency. His responsibilities extend to overseeing the sales and marketing functions, where he develops and implements strategic advertising materials that resonate with both print and online audiences.

One of Jeffrey's key projects involves the evaluation and procurement of autoclave equipment, a critical investment for the company. He meticulously assesses the specific needs for various products, determining the appropriate size and specifications of autoclaves required for optimal performance. His expertise in root cause analysis and contract negotiation enables him to navigate the complexities of purchasing decisions, ensuring that Tank Fab, Inc. secures the best equipment to enhance production capabilities.

In addition to his technical skills, Jeffrey's strong project management abilities allow him to supervise personnel effectively, fostering a collaborative environment that drives innovation and efficiency. His strategic planning acumen ensures that the company remains competitive in a rapidly evolving industry, making him an invaluable asset to Tank Fab, Inc. As he continues to advance in his role, Jeffrey remains committed to enhancing the company's operational excellence and delivering superior products to the market.

Jeffrey Lippincott Work
1 experience icon

CADD Design at Tank Fab, Inc. in February 1995 to Present

2 experience icon

Quality Control Manager at Tank Fab, Inc. in February 1995 to Present

3 experience icon

Project Management at Tank Fab, Inc. in February 1995 to Present

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Jeffrey Lippincott Education

North Carolina State University, January 1990 to January 1994

Liberty University, January 1988 to January 1990

Jeffrey Lippincott Skills

Product Design

Computer-Aided Design (CAD)


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About Jeffrey Lippincott's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Jeffrey Lippincott

What is Jeffrey Lippincott email address?

Email Jeffrey Lippincott at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Jeffrey Lippincott's email found in 2025.

What is Jeffrey Lippincott phone number?

Jeffrey Lippincott phone number is 910.675.8999.

How to contact Jeffrey Lippincott?

To contact Jeffrey Lippincott send an email at [email protected] or [email protected] you want to call Jeffrey Lippincott try calling on 910.675.8999.

What company does Jeffrey Lippincott work for?

Jeffrey Lippincott works for Tank Fab, Inc.

What is Jeffrey Lippincott's role at Tank Fab, Inc.?

Jeffrey Lippincott is CADD Design

What industry does Jeffrey Lippincott work in?

Jeffrey Lippincott works in the Machinery industry.

Jeffrey Lippincott Email Addresses

Email Jeffrey Lippincott at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Jeffrey Lippincott's email found in 2025.

Jeffrey Lippincott Phone Numbers

Jeffrey Lippincott phone number is 910.675.8999.
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