Jeff Porter Email & Phone Number

Jeff Porter

Morning/Noon Weekday Meteorologist at WWMT-TV | Kalamazoo, Michigan, United States

Jeff Porter Socials
About Jeff Porter

Jeff Porter is a highly experienced meteorologist at WWMT-TV, where he serves as the Morning and Noon Weekday Meteorologist. With over 20 years of expertise in meteorological science, Jeff has honed his skills in delivering precise and engaging weather forecasts that resonate with viewers. His role involves creating and presenting weather updates every 5-10 minutes during the early morning hours from 4:30 AM to 7 AM on News Channel 3, followed by additional forecasts on CBS This Morning until 9 AM. He also provides a fresh weather outlook during News Channel 3 Live At Noon, ensuring that viewers are well-informed throughout the day.

Jeff's extensive background in tracking severe storms, lake effect snow, and hurricanes has made him a trusted voice during critical weather events. His ability to communicate complex meteorological data in an accessible manner is complemented by his proficiency in video production and editing software, including Avid and Final Cut Pro. This technical expertise allows him to create visually compelling weather segments that enhance viewer engagement.

In addition to his on-air responsibilities, Jeff is dedicated to maintaining a strong presence on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Threads. His around-the-clock interaction with viewers not only fosters community engagement but also provides real-time updates during severe weather situations. Jeff’s versatility in collaborating with various anchors and adapting to different broadcasting styles further underscores his commitment to delivering high-quality weather coverage. As a seasoned professional in the field, Jeff Porter continues to set the standard for meteorological excellence at WWMT-TV.

Jeff Porter Work
1 experience icon

Morning/Noon Weekday Meteorologist at WWMT-TV in October 2009 to Present

2 experience icon

Morning/Noon Meteorologist at WHIO-TV in June 2006 to September 2009

3 experience icon

Morning Meteorologist at WBOC-TV in September 2003 to November 2005

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Jeff Porter Education

Penn State University, Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Meteorology, February 1999 to February 2025

Jeff Porter Skills



Video Production

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About Jeff Porter's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Jeff Porter

What is Jeff Porter email address?

Email Jeff Porter at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Jeff Porter's email found in 2025.

What is Jeff Porter phone number?

Jeff Porter phone number is 4104303451.

How to contact Jeff Porter?

To contact Jeff Porter send an email at [email protected] or [email protected] you want to call Jeff Porter try calling on 4104303451.

What company does Jeff Porter work for?

Jeff Porter works for WWMT-TV

What is Jeff Porter's role at WWMT-TV?

Jeff Porter is Morning/Noon Weekday Meteorologist

What industry does Jeff Porter work in?

Jeff Porter works in the Broadcast Media industry.

Jeff Porter Email Addresses

Email Jeff Porter at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Jeff Porter's email found in 2025.

Jeff Porter Phone Numbers

Jeff Porter phone number is 4104303451.
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