Hilton Braithwaite Email & Phone Number

Hilton Braithwaite

Photographer at The Documentary Expirience | Phoenix, Arizona, United States

Hilton Braithwaite Socials
About Hilton Braithwaite

Hilton Braithwaite is a multifaceted photographer and educator whose work at The Documentary Experience transcends traditional boundaries, capturing the intricate tapestry of the human environmental and social landscape. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, Hilton specializes in various photography genres, including still life, portraits, and event photography. His expertise in darkroom techniques and commercial photography allows him to create striking visuals that resonate with audiences, while his travel photography reflects a deep appreciation for diverse cultures and environments.

Currently, Hilton is engaged in several key projects that highlight the intersection of art and social commentary. His ongoing series explores themes of identity and community, using portraiture to document the lives of individuals within their unique contexts. This work not only showcases his technical skills but also his ability to connect with subjects on a personal level, fostering a sense of trust and openness that is essential for authentic storytelling.

As a creative thinker, Hilton embraces the evolving nature of photography, continuously seeking new ways to express his vision. His sensitivity and cautious approach to his craft ensure that each image is not just a photograph but a narrative that invites viewers to reflect on their own experiences. Beyond his professional pursuits, Hilton values his roles as a grandfather, brother, uncle, and friend, grounding his artistic journey in the relationships that shape his life. With a large ego tempered by humility, he remains committed to his belief that "God will judge my soul... Art history will judge my contribution," driving him to leave a lasting impact through his art.

Hilton Braithwaite Work
1 experience icon

Photographer at The Documentary Expirience in January 2002 to Present

2 experience icon

Assistant Professor of Art............ at Howard University in July 1993 to June 2000

Hilton Braithwaite Education

San Francisco Art Institute, MFA, Photography, February 1971 to February 1974

Hilton Braithwaite Skills

Fine Art Photography



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Frequently Asked Questions about Hilton Braithwaite

What is Hilton Braithwaite email address?

Email Hilton Braithwaite at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Hilton Braithwaite's email found in 2024.

How to contact Hilton Braithwaite?

To contact Hilton Braithwaite send an email to [email protected] or [email protected].

What company does Hilton Braithwaite work for?

Hilton Braithwaite works for The Documentary Expirience

What is Hilton Braithwaite's role at The Documentary Expirience?

Hilton Braithwaite is Photographer

What is Hilton Braithwaite's Phone Number?

Hilton Braithwaite's phone (602) ***-*299

What industry does Hilton Braithwaite work in?

Hilton Braithwaite works in the Photography industry.

Hilton Braithwaite Email Addresses

Email Hilton Braithwaite at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Hilton Braithwaite's email found in 2024.

Hilton Braithwaite Phone Numbers

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