Gracie Weinzierl Email & Phone Number

Gracie Weinzierl

Consumer Engagement Manager at Illinois Farm Bureau | Walnut, Illinois, United States

Gracie Weinzierl Socials
About Gracie Weinzierl

Gracie Weinzierl currently serves as the Consumer Engagement Manager at the Illinois Farm Bureau, where she plays a pivotal role in bridging the gap between consumers and farmers. With a strong foundation in communication and a deep-seated passion for agriculture, Gracie is dedicated to fostering meaningful discussions about modern farming practices in Illinois. Her expertise lies in developing and implementing innovative consumer engagement initiatives that empower county Farm Bureau organizations to connect with their communities effectively.

One of Gracie's key projects involves creating educational programs that demystify the agricultural process, showcasing the sustainable practices employed by local farmers. By leveraging her skills in social media management and customer service, she crafts compelling narratives that resonate with diverse audiences, enhancing public understanding and trust in the agricultural sector. Gracie's leadership in these initiatives not only promotes transparency but also encourages dialogue around critical issues such as food security and environmental stewardship.

In addition to her professional role, Gracie is an active farmer and entrepreneur, which enriches her perspective and informs her approach to consumer engagement. Her hands-on experience in agronomy allows her to speak authentically about the challenges and triumphs faced by farmers today. By combining her communication prowess with her agricultural background, Gracie Weinzierl is not just a manager but a passionate advocate for the farming community, committed to building lasting relationships between Illinoisans and their local farmers.

Gracie Weinzierl Work
1 experience icon

Farmer at Weinzierl Farms in January 2020 to Present

2 experience icon

Consumer Engagement Manager at Illinois Farm Bureau in January 2019 to Present

3 experience icon

Account Manager at Osborn Barr in September 2016 to January 2019

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Gracie Weinzierl Skills

Social Media

Public Speaking


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About Gracie Weinzierl's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Gracie Weinzierl

What is Gracie Weinzierl email address?

Email Gracie Weinzierl at [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Gracie Weinzierl's email found in 2025.

What is Gracie Weinzierl phone number?

Gracie Weinzierl phone number is +1.3096603442.

How to contact Gracie Weinzierl?

To contact Gracie Weinzierl send an email at [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected] you want to call Gracie Weinzierl try calling on +1.3096603442.

What company does Gracie Weinzierl work for?

Gracie Weinzierl works for Illinois Farm Bureau

What is Gracie Weinzierl's role at Illinois Farm Bureau?

Gracie Weinzierl is Consumer Engagement Manager

What industry does Gracie Weinzierl work in?

Gracie Weinzierl works in the Public Relations & Communications industry.

Gracie Weinzierl Email Addresses

Email Gracie Weinzierl at [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Gracie Weinzierl's email found in 2025.

Gracie Weinzierl Phone Numbers

Gracie Weinzierl phone number is +1.3096603442.
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