Grace Brown Email & Phone Number

Grace Brown

Recruiting Coordinator at Advantage Staffing | Houston, Texas, United States

Grace Brown Socials
About Grace Brown

Grace Brown serves as a Recruiting Coordinator at Advantage Staffing, where her multifaceted expertise and proactive approach play a pivotal role in streamlining the recruitment process. With a robust background in administrative functions, customer service, and field operations, Grace excels in creating a seamless experience for both candidates and hiring managers. Her current focus is on enhancing the efficiency of the recruitment workflow by implementing innovative strategies that not only attract top talent but also improve overall job productivity.

In her role, Grace is responsible for a variety of critical tasks, including telephonic pre-screening of prospective candidates, scheduling interviews, and assisting walk-in applicants with application processing. Her meticulous attention to detail ensures that background checks, on-site drug screens, and employee reference checks are conducted thoroughly, maintaining compliance with I-9 regulations. Grace's ability to manage multiple responsibilities simultaneously, including answering multi-line incoming calls, showcases her exceptional organizational skills and adaptability in a fast-paced environment.

Grace's proficiency in the Microsoft Windows Office Suite, coupled with her typing speed of 45-50 words per minute, allows her to efficiently handle data entry and documentation tasks. Her unwavering tenacity and work ethic have resulted in proven outcomes, making her an invaluable asset to the Advantage Staffing team. As she continues to embrace fresh ideas and innovative solutions, Grace is committed to driving the success of the recruitment process, ensuring that Advantage Staffing remains a leader in connecting skilled candidates with exceptional job opportunities.

Grace Brown Work
1 experience icon

Recruiting Coordinator at Advantage Staffing in July 2011 to Present

2 experience icon

First Contact Representative II at Money Management International in January 2010 to July 2011

3 experience icon

Marketing Representative/Portfolio Acquisitions Manager at Mid-Atlantic Finance in June 2009 to September 2009

Grace Brown Education

Tarleton State University, Central Texas, Bachelors, Business Administration and Management, February 2025

Grace Brown Skills

Microsoft Windows Office Suite, type 45 - 50 wpm.

About Grace Brown's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Grace Brown

What is Grace Brown email address?

Email Grace Brown at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Grace Brown's email found in 2024.

How to contact Grace Brown?

To contact Grace Brown send an email to [email protected] or [email protected].

What company does Grace Brown work for?

Grace Brown works for Advantage Staffing

What is Grace Brown's role at Advantage Staffing?

Grace Brown is Recruiting Coordinator

What is Grace Brown's Phone Number?

Grace Brown's phone (214) ***-*109

Grace Brown Email Addresses

Email Grace Brown at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Grace Brown's email found in 2024.

Grace Brown Phone Numbers

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