Glenn Mcguigan Email & Phone Number

Glenn Mcguigan

Library Director, Penn State Harrisburg at Penn State University | Middletown, Pennsylvania, United States

Glenn Mcguigan Socials
About Glenn Mcguigan

As the Library Director of the Madlyn L. Hanes Library at Penn State Harrisburg, Glenn McGuigan plays a pivotal role in shaping the academic landscape of the institution. With a robust background in academic libraries, Glenn has dedicated over two decades to enhancing information literacy and fostering a culture of research and scholarship among students and faculty. His leadership is characterized by a commitment to building strong connections between the library and its diverse constituents, ensuring that the library serves as a vital resource for learning and discovery.

Under Glenn's direction, the Hanes Library has embarked on several key projects aimed at improving access to information and enhancing user engagement. These initiatives include the development of innovative information literacy programs that equip students with essential research skills, as well as collaborative efforts with faculty to integrate library resources into the curriculum. Glenn's expertise in collection development ensures that the library's holdings remain relevant and responsive to the evolving needs of the academic community.

In addition to his administrative responsibilities, Glenn is actively involved in scholarly communication and grant writing, securing funding for projects that advance the library's mission. His previous roles, including Reference Services Coordinator and Business & Public Administration Reference Librarian, have further honed his skills in reference services and library research, making him a valuable resource for both students and faculty. With a focus on leadership and collaboration, Glenn McGuigan continues to drive the Hanes Library forward, reinforcing its position as an essential hub for academic excellence at Penn State Harrisburg.

Glenn Mcguigan Work
1 experience icon

Library Director, Penn State Harrisburg at Penn State University in January 1998 to Present

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Reference Librarian at Chatham University in January 1998 to August 1998

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Reference Librarian at Carnegie Mellon University in January 1997 to December 1997

Glenn Mcguigan Education

Penn State University, Ph.D., January 2010 to January 2018

Penn State University, MBA, January 2000 to January 2005

University of Pittsburgh, MLS, January 1995 to January 1996

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Glenn Mcguigan Skills

Library Science

Library Instruction

Academic Libraries

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About Glenn Mcguigan's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Glenn Mcguigan

What is Glenn Mcguigan email address?

Email Glenn Mcguigan at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Glenn Mcguigan's email found in 2025.

How to contact Glenn Mcguigan?

To contact Glenn Mcguigan send an email at [email protected].

What company does Glenn Mcguigan work for?

Glenn Mcguigan works for Penn State University

What is Glenn Mcguigan's role at Penn State University?

Glenn Mcguigan is Library Director, Penn State Harrisburg

What is Glenn Mcguigan's Phone Number?

Glenn Mcguigan's phone (215) ***-*275

What industry does Glenn Mcguigan work in?

Glenn Mcguigan works in the Higher Education industry.

Glenn Mcguigan Email Addresses

Email Glenn Mcguigan at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Glenn Mcguigan's email found in 2025.

Glenn Mcguigan Phone Numbers

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