Felix Fang Email & Phone Number

Felix Fang

Senior Machine Learning Engineer at Pinterest | Greater Seattle Area

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About Felix Fang

Felix Fang currently serves as a Senior Machine Learning Engineer at Pinterest, where he plays a pivotal role in the Ads Foundation Modeling team. With a focus on Ads Identity Modeling, Felix leads a talented team dedicated to developing advanced machine learning models that enhance ad conversion identity and offsite sequence signals. His expertise in large language models (LLMs) and deep learning allows him to innovate and implement cutting-edge solutions that drive measurable results in the advertising domain.

In his current role, Felix is at the forefront of leveraging machine learning to tackle complex challenges in identity modeling, ensuring that Pinterest can deliver personalized and effective ad experiences to its users. His work involves not only coding and model development but also staying abreast of the latest research in machine learning, which he integrates into practical applications. By utilizing distributed systems and cloud technologies like Microsoft Azure, Felix ensures that the models are scalable and efficient, enabling Pinterest to handle vast amounts of data seamlessly.

Felix's technical skill set spans a variety of programming languages and frameworks, including JavaScript, C#, and MongoDB, which he employs to build robust data pipelines and machine learning workflows. His proficiency in Docker further enhances the team's ability to deploy models in a consistent and reproducible manner. As he continues to push the boundaries of what's possible in ads technology, Felix remains committed to fostering a collaborative environment that encourages innovation and knowledge sharing among his peers. Through his leadership and expertise, he is not only shaping the future of advertising at Pinterest but also contributing to the broader machine learning community.

Felix Fang Work
1 experience icon

Senior Machine Learning Engineer at Pinterest in May 2019 to Present

2 experience icon

Machine Learning Engineer II at Qualtrics in July 2017 to May 2019

3 experience icon

Software Engineer II at Microsoft in September 2014 to July 2017

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Felix Fang Education

University of Waterloo, Bachelor's Degree, January 2008 to January 2013

University of Waterloo, Master's Degree, January 2013 to January 2014

Felix Fang Skills




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About Felix Fang's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Felix Fang

What is Felix Fang email address?

Email Felix Fang at [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Felix Fang's email found in 2025.

What is Felix Fang phone number?

Felix Fang phone number is +1.4253051353.

How to contact Felix Fang?

To contact Felix Fang send an email at [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected] you want to call Felix Fang try calling on +1.4253051353.

What company does Felix Fang work for?

Felix Fang works for Pinterest

What is Felix Fang's role at Pinterest?

Felix Fang is Senior Machine Learning Engineer

What industry does Felix Fang work in?

Felix Fang works in the Computer Software industry.

Felix Fang Email Addresses

Email Felix Fang at [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Felix Fang's email found in 2025.

Felix Fang Phone Numbers

Felix Fang phone number is +1.4253051353.
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