Emmanuel Danzin Email & Phone Number

Emmanuel Danzin

Capital Markets Industry Advisor at Microsoft | Paris, Île-de-France, France

Emmanuel Danzin Socials
About Emmanuel Danzin

Emmanuel Danzin serves as a Capital Markets Industry Advisor at Microsoft, where he plays a pivotal role in guiding financial institutions through their digital transformation journeys. With over 20 years of extensive experience in the capital markets sector across Europe and the US, Emmanuel has developed a profound understanding of the complexities and nuances of investment banking, derivatives, and corporate finance. His expertise encompasses a wide range of financial instruments, including credit default swaps (CDS), hedging strategies, and deal structuring, making him a valuable asset to clients navigating the intricacies of modern finance.

In his current role, Emmanuel collaborates closely with some of Microsoft's most strategic financial institution customers to build a compelling vision for leveraging technology solutions. He focuses on harnessing the vast potential of the Microsoft ecosystem, including cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and data analytics, to empower clients to achieve their business objectives. By integrating innovative tech solutions into their operations, Emmanuel helps these institutions transform their business models, streamline processes, and enhance decision-making capabilities.

Key projects under Emmanuel's leadership have included initiatives aimed at optimizing trading platforms, improving risk management frameworks, and enhancing customer engagement through advanced analytics. His ability to bridge the gap between technology and finance enables clients to not only adapt to the rapidly evolving market landscape but also to thrive in it. Emmanuel's commitment to fostering collaboration and driving innovation positions him as a thought leader in the capital markets space, ensuring that financial institutions are well-equipped to meet the challenges of tomorrow.

Emmanuel Danzin Work
1 experience icon

Capital Markets Industry Advisor at Microsoft in May 2022 to Present

2 experience icon

Head of Business Development at Opensee in August 2017 to May 2022

3 experience icon

Structuring & Advisory - xVA optimization trades at Crédit Agricole CIB in September 2016 to June 2017

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Emmanuel Danzin Education

Columbia University in the City of New York, Masters, January 2001 to January 2003

ESSEC Business School, Master of Science - MS, January 1996 to January 2000

Emmanuel Danzin Skills



Credit Derivatives

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About Emmanuel Danzin's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Emmanuel Danzin

What is Emmanuel Danzin email address?

Email Emmanuel Danzin at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Emmanuel Danzin's email found in 2025.

What is Emmanuel Danzin phone number?

Emmanuel Danzin phone number is +33 6 35 56 02 75 and +33 6 60 20 50 13.

How to contact Emmanuel Danzin?

To contact Emmanuel Danzin send an email to [email protected] or [email protected]. If you want to call Emmanuel Danzin try calling on +33 6 35 56 02 75 and +33 6 60 20 50 13.

What company does Emmanuel Danzin work for?

Emmanuel Danzin works for Microsoft

What is Emmanuel Danzin's role at Microsoft?

Emmanuel Danzin is Capital Markets Industry Advisor

What industry does Emmanuel Danzin work in?

Emmanuel Danzin works in the Financial Services industry.

Emmanuel Danzin Email Addresses

Email Emmanuel Danzin at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Emmanuel Danzin's email found in 2025.

Emmanuel Danzin Phone Numbers

Emmanuel Danzin phone number is +33 6 35 56 02 75 and +33 6 60 20 50 13.
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