David Dejonge Email & Phone Number

David Dejonge

Founder and chairmen of the board at Survivor Quest | Zeeland, Michigan, United States

David Dejonge Socials
About David Dejonge

David Dejonge is a dynamic leader and visionary in the realm of public relations and marketing, currently serving as the Founder and Chairman of the Board at Survivor Quest, a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to educational initiatives. With over 30 years of experience in campaign leadership and communications, David has adeptly navigated the complexities of the national campaign and business landscape, leveraging his expertise to foster growth and success for various organizations. His work in Washington, D.C., alongside influential business leaders, has refined his ability to translate strategic insights into actionable plans that drive measurable results.

At Survivor Quest, David has spearheaded key projects that have made a significant impact on educational outreach. Notably, he directed the National WWI Educational Project in collaboration with Encyclopedia Britannica, which successfully engaged and transformed the lives of over 10,000 students. This initiative not only provided a rich historical context but also emphasized the importance of service learning, allowing students to connect classroom knowledge with real-world applications. David's role involved implementing a comprehensive national service learning curriculum, ensuring that the exhibit content was both educational and engaging.

His ability to liaise with teachers, faculty, students, and various stakeholders has been instrumental in creating a collaborative environment that fosters innovation and creativity. David's diverse skill set, which includes expertise in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), video production, and image manipulation, further enhances his capacity to deliver compelling narratives that resonate with audiences. As he continues to lead Survivor Quest, David remains committed to empowering the next generation through transformative educational experiences that inspire curiosity and critical thinking.

David Dejonge Work
1 experience icon

Founder and chairmen of the board at Survivor Quest in January 2008 to Present

2 experience icon

President at DeJonge Studio in January 1989 to Present

3 experience icon

President at World War One Memorial Foundation in June 2008 to Present

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David Dejonge Education

I skipped college and became a liaison to the White House and Pentagon:-), Doctorate of Hard Knocks, January 1988 to January 2020

I skipped college and became a liaison to the White House, SecVA, SecArmy, SecDef, Pentagon & embassies:-), Doctorate of Hard Knocks, January 1988 to January 2020

David Dejonge Skills



Portrait Photography

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Frequently Asked Questions about David Dejonge

What is David Dejonge phone number?

David Dejonge phone number is +1.6162336860, +1.6165404922 and (616) 896-1932.

How to contact David Dejonge?

If you want to call David Dejonge try calling on +1.6162336860, +1.6165404922 and (616) 896-1932.

What company does David Dejonge work for?

David Dejonge works for Survivor Quest

What is David Dejonge's role at Survivor Quest?

David Dejonge is Founder and chairmen of the board

What is David Dejonge's personal email address?

David Dejonge's personal email address is da****[email protected]

What is David Dejonge's business email address?

David Dejonge's business email address is d*****@dejongestudio.com

What industry does David Dejonge work in?

David Dejonge works in the Media Production industry.

David Dejonge Email Addresses

David Dejonge Phone Numbers

David Dejonge phone number is +1.6162336860, +1.6165404922 and (616) 896-1932.
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