David Azar Email & Phone Number

David Azar

Founder & CEO at OutsmartLabs | Miami-Fort Lauderdale Area

David Azar Socials
About David Azar

David Azar is a dynamic digital executive and strategist with a rich background in developing innovative, large-scale technologies tailored for multi-regional digital marketing ecosystems. As the Founder and CEO of Outsmart Labs, a boutique digital marketing agency with locations in Miami, FL, and Chicago, IL, David has positioned the agency as a leader in the industry, earning recognition as a Top Rising Agency by Google. His expertise lies in empowering enterprise-level businesses, leaders, and celebrities to enhance their online presence through meticulously crafted digital strategies.

At Outsmart Labs, David spearheads key projects that focus on comprehensive social media management, online advertising, and integrated marketing solutions. Under his leadership, the agency has successfully executed campaigns that leverage the latest trends in digital marketing, ensuring clients achieve measurable growth and engagement. David’s strategic vision encompasses not only the setup and execution of digital efforts but also the ongoing management and optimization necessary for sustained success.

With a strong foundation in marketing communications, public relations, and event planning, David is adept at coordinating large-scale events and trade shows that amplify brand visibility and foster meaningful connections. His commitment to business development and innovative marketing solutions has made Outsmart Labs a trusted partner for clients seeking to navigate the complexities of the digital landscape. Through his leadership, David Azar continues to drive Outsmart Labs forward, helping clients harness the power of digital marketing to achieve their goals and thrive in an ever-evolving marketplace.

David Azar Work
1 experience icon

Founder & CEO at OutsmartLabs in March 2013 to Present

2 experience icon

Founder & CEO at Spreever in August 2012 to February 2015

3 experience icon

Co Founder & CEO at Azar & Duf Events in August 2009 to July 2013

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David Azar Skills

Social Media Marketing

Social Media


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Frequently Asked Questions about David Azar

What is David Azar email address?

Email David Azar at [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated David Azar's email found in 2025.

What is David Azar phone number?

David Azar phone number is +1.7863517154 and +1.3056713504.

How to contact David Azar?

To contact David Azar send an email at [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected] you want to call David Azar try calling on +1.7863517154 and +1.3056713504.

What company does David Azar work for?

David Azar works for OutsmartLabs

What is David Azar's role at OutsmartLabs?

David Azar is Founder & CEO

What industry does David Azar work in?

David Azar works in the Marketing & Advertising industry.

David Azar Email Addresses

Email David Azar at [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated David Azar's email found in 2025.

David Azar Phone Numbers

David Azar phone number is +1.7863517154 and +1.3056713504.
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