Darren Mack Email & Phone Number

Darren Mack

Co Director at Urban Justice Center | New York City Metropolitan Area

Darren Mack Socials
About Darren Mack

Darren Mack serves as the Co-Director of the Freedom Agenda at the Urban Justice Center, where he plays a pivotal role in advocating for systemic change within the criminal justice system. With a deep commitment to social justice, Darren leads initiatives that empower individuals and communities directly affected by incarceration. His expertise in community outreach and grassroots organizing allows him to effectively mobilize members to engage in advocacy efforts aimed at decarceration and transforming punitive systems into frameworks that prioritize rehabilitation and support.

Under Darren's leadership, the Freedom Agenda has launched several key projects that focus on raising awareness about the injustices faced by incarcerated individuals and their families. These projects include educational workshops, public forums, and collaborative campaigns that highlight the need for policy reform. His skills in public speaking and research enable him to articulate the urgent need for change to diverse audiences, from community members to policymakers.

Darren’s experience in nonprofit organizations and volunteer management has been instrumental in building a robust network of advocates and allies committed to the cause. By fostering partnerships with other organizations and leveraging resources, he enhances the impact of the Freedom Agenda’s initiatives. As a passionate activist and organizer, Darren Mack continues to inspire others to join the movement for a more equitable and just society, demonstrating that collective action can lead to meaningful transformation.

Darren Mack Work
1 experience icon

Co Director at Urban Justice Center in October 2020 to Present

2 experience icon

Outreach and Alumni Engagement Coordinator at JustLeadershipUSA in March 2020 to August 2020

3 experience icon

Director of Community Engagement & Policy at JustLeadershipUSA in June 2019 to March 2020

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Darren Mack Education

Hunter College, Master of Social Work - MSW, January 2019

Hunter College, Master of Social Work - MSW, January 2017 to January 2019

Bard College, Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), January 2006 to January 2013

Darren Mack Skills

Public Speaking


About Darren Mack's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Darren Mack

What is Darren Mack email address?

Email Darren Mack at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Darren Mack's email found in 2025.

How to contact Darren Mack?

To contact Darren Mack send an email at [email protected].

What company does Darren Mack work for?

Darren Mack works for Urban Justice Center

What is Darren Mack's role at Urban Justice Center?

Darren Mack is Co Director

What is Darren Mack's Phone Number?

Darren Mack's phone (212) ***-*236

What industry does Darren Mack work in?

Darren Mack works in the Civic & Social Organization industry.

Darren Mack Email Addresses

Email Darren Mack at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Darren Mack's email found in 2025.

Darren Mack Phone Numbers

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