Dan Seals Email & Phone Number

Dan Seals

Chief Executive Officer at Intersect Illinois | Greater Chicago Area

Dan Seals Socials
About Dan Seals

Dan Seals serves as the Chief Executive Officer of Intersect Illinois, where he plays a pivotal role in driving economic development and fostering public-private partnerships that benefit the state. With a robust background in business development and public affairs, Dan has effectively positioned Intersect Illinois as the primary organization for business attraction in the state. Under his leadership, the organization has successfully facilitated the creation of nearly 5,000 jobs and attracted over $4 billion in investment, showcasing his expertise in strategic marketing and sales strategy.

Dan's approach combines a deep understanding of market analysis with a commitment to civic engagement, allowing him to navigate the complexities of economic development in a rapidly changing landscape. His experience in government relations and public policy equips him to advocate for initiatives that bolster Illinois's economic competitiveness. He is adept at leveraging media affairs and public speaking to promote the state’s advantages to potential investors, ensuring that Illinois remains a top choice for businesses looking to expand or relocate.

Key projects under Dan's stewardship include initiatives aimed at enhancing workforce development and innovation, which are critical to sustaining long-term economic growth. His leadership style emphasizes collaboration and transparency, fostering strong relationships with stakeholders across various sectors. As a seasoned leader passionate about making a meaningful impact, Dan Seals continues to drive transformative change in Illinois, positioning the state as a vibrant hub for business and investment.

Dan Seals Work
1 experience icon

Chief Executive Officer at Intersect Illinois in September 2021 to Present

2 experience icon

Director of Marketing at American Medical Association in January 2019 to September 2021

3 experience icon

Vice President of Marketing and Sales at MPA Healthcare Solutions in September 2014 to January 2018

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Dan Seals Education

The University of Chicago - Booth School of Business, Master of Business Administration (MBA), January 1999 to January 2001

The Johns Hopkins University - Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Master's degree, January 1995 to January 1997

Boston University, Bachelor's degree, January 1989 to January 1993

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Dan Seals Skills

Marketing Analytics

Marketing Campaign Management

Senior Administration

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About Dan Seals's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Dan Seals

What is Dan Seals email address?

Email Dan Seals at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Dan Seals's email found in 2025.

How to contact Dan Seals?

To contact Dan Seals send an email to [email protected].

What company does Dan Seals work for?

Dan Seals works for Intersect Illinois

What is Dan Seals's role at Intersect Illinois?

Dan Seals is Chief Executive Officer

What is Dan Seals's Phone Number?

Dan Seals's phone (**) *** *** 322

What industry does Dan Seals work in?

Dan Seals works in the Hospital & Health Care industry.

Dan Seals Email Addresses

Email Dan Seals at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Dan Seals's email found in 2025.

Dan Seals Phone Numbers

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