Dale Miller Email & Phone Number

Dale Miller

Vice President of Sales at Production Automation Corporation | Avon, Ohio, United States

Dale Miller Socials
About Dale Miller

Dale R. Miller currently serves as the Vice President of Sales at Production Automation Corporation, where he leverages his extensive experience in the chemicals industry to drive strategic growth and enhance sales performance. With a team of approximately 60 sales professionals under his leadership, Dale is instrumental in developing and implementing innovative sales strategies that align with the company's objectives and market demands. His expertise in competitive analysis and contract negotiation allows him to identify new opportunities and foster long-term relationships with clients, ensuring that Production Automation Corporation remains a leader in the adhesives sector.

Dale's strong background in value selling and business development is complemented by his MBA in Marketing and International Business from Case Western Reserve University - Weatherhead School of Management. This academic foundation, combined with his practical experience, enables him to effectively manage cross-functional teams and streamline processes for continuous improvement. He is adept at analyzing market trends and pricing strategies, which empowers his team to respond proactively to shifts in the industry landscape.

Key projects under Dale's leadership include the launch of a comprehensive training program aimed at enhancing the sales skills of his team, focusing on negotiation techniques and value-based selling approaches. This initiative has not only improved individual performance but has also contributed to a significant increase in overall sales revenue. Dale's commitment to excellence and his strategic vision position him as a pivotal figure in driving the success of Production Automation Corporation in a competitive market.

Dale Miller Work
1 experience icon

Vice President of Sales at Production Automation Corporation in September 2022 to Present

2 experience icon

Global Sales Director at OK International, a Dover Company in August 2020 to September 2022

3 experience icon

Vice President Of Business Development at Krayden, Inc. in August 2019 to August 2020

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Dale Miller Skills


Competitive Analysis

Contract Negotiation

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About Dale Miller's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Dale Miller

What is Dale R Miller email address?

Email Dale R Miller at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Dale R Miller's email found in 2025.

How to contact Dale R Miller?

To contact Dale R Miller send an email at [email protected] or [email protected].

What company does Dale Miller work for?

Dale Miller works for Production Automation Corporation

What is Dale Miller's role at Production Automation Corporation?

Dale Miller is Vice President of Sales

What is Dale Miller's Phone Number?

Dale Miller's phone (216) ***-*137

What industry does Dale Miller work in?

Dale Miller works in the Chemicals industry.

Dale Miller Email Addresses

Dale Miller Phone Numbers

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