Curtis Shuey Email & Phone Number

Curtis Shuey

Vice President, Global BioDevices at Zoetis Inc. | Durham, North Carolina, United States

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About Curtis Shuey

Curtis Shuey serves as the Vice President of Global BioDevices at Zoetis Inc., where he leverages over 30 years of extensive experience in the pharmaceuticals and veterinary medicine sectors. In his current role, Curtis is at the forefront of driving innovation and operational excellence within the BioDevice and Automation division, focusing on enhancing product offerings that meet the evolving needs of the veterinary industry. His leadership is pivotal in spearheading key projects aimed at integrating cutting-edge technologies into existing workflows, thereby streamlining operations and improving overall efficiency.

Under Curtis's guidance, the BioDevice and Automation team is not only committed to advancing product development but also to ensuring that these innovations align with Zoetis's strategic vision for global growth. His expertise in business planning and full P&L responsibility allows him to navigate complex market dynamics while fostering cross-functional collaboration among diverse teams. Curtis's passion for success is evident in his strategic approach to new business development and marketing strategy, where he identifies emerging trends and opportunities that can propel Zoetis to the forefront of the industry.

Moreover, Curtis's strong background in team building and integration plays a crucial role in cultivating a culture of excellence and accountability within his organization. By championing operational best practices and promoting a shared vision, he empowers his team to achieve remarkable outcomes. As a leader in the BioDevice sector, Curtis Shuey is dedicated to not only advancing Zoetis's mission but also enhancing the overall health and well-being of animals worldwide through innovative solutions.

Curtis Shuey Work
1 experience icon

Vice President, Global BioDevices at Zoetis Inc. in June 2016 to Present

2 experience icon

Vice President, Commercial Development & Lifecycle Management at Zoetis Inc. in July 2015 to June 2016

3 experience icon

Senior Director Marketing, Swine, Poultry and Aquaculture at Zoetis Inc. in March 2013 to July 2015

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Curtis Shuey Education

Bucknell University, MBA, January 1993 to January 1996

Penn State University, BS, January 1979 to January 1983

Curtis Shuey Skills

Colleague Mentoring

Certified Mentor

Strategic Planning

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About Curtis Shuey's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Curtis Shuey

What is Curtis Shuey email address?

Email Curtis Shuey at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Curtis Shuey's email found in 2025.

How to contact Curtis Shuey?

To contact Curtis Shuey send an email to [email protected]. (updated on January 18, 2024)

What company does Curtis Shuey work for?

Curtis Shuey works for Zoetis Inc.

What is Curtis Shuey's role at Zoetis Inc.?

Curtis Shuey is Vice President, Global BioDevices

What is Curtis Shuey's Phone Number?

Curtis Shuey's phone (704) ***-*404

What industry does Curtis Shuey work in?

Curtis Shuey works in the Pharmaceuticals industry.

Curtis Shuey Email Addresses

Email Curtis Shuey at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Curtis Shuey's email found in 2025.

Curtis Shuey Phone Numbers

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