Crystal Harris Email & Phone Number

Crystal Harris

Director at CapTech Consulting | Pennsylvania, United States

Crystal Harris Socials
About Crystal Harris

Crystal Harris is a seasoned enterprise transformation expert and solution delivery lead at CapTech Consulting, where she leverages over 20 years of experience to drive impactful change for clients navigating the complexities of modern business landscapes. As the Director, Crystal specializes in aligning people, processes, and technology to foster sustainable growth and innovation in rapidly evolving environments. Her expertise in Agile and Lean methodologies enables her to implement tailored strategies that enhance operational efficiency and deliver measurable results.

Currently, Crystal is leading key projects that focus on digital transformation and process improvement, utilizing her extensive knowledge of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and integration techniques. Her role involves collaborating with cross-functional teams to ensure that solutions are not only technically sound but also aligned with the strategic goals of the organization. Crystal's proficiency in Apex programming, Salesforce Digital Experience, and Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) allows her to effectively guide teams through complex development processes while maintaining a strong focus on quality and user experience.

In her previous role as a Senior Developer for the PGA TOUR First Tee Foundation, Crystal played a pivotal role in the creation of a program registration portal. Her dual capacity as a developer and proxy Product Owner enabled her to bridge the gap between technical execution and stakeholder needs, ensuring that the final product met both functional and strategic requirements. By employing Agile iterative delivery practices, she successfully safeguarded project timelines and fostered a collaborative environment that encouraged continuous feedback and improvement.

With a strong foundation in management and process improvement, Crystal Harris is dedicated to empowering organizations to thrive in the face of change, making her an invaluable asset to CapTech Consulting and its clients.

Crystal Harris Work
1 experience icon

Director at CapTech Consulting in August 2021 to Present

2 experience icon

Senior Manager, Agile & DevOps Transformation Coach at CapTech Consulting in January 2020 to August 2021

3 experience icon

Senior Manager, Agile Transformation Coach and DevOps Engineer at CapTech Ventures, Inc in January 2019 to December 2019

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Crystal Harris Education

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Computer Science, January 1996 to January 1998

Crystal Harris Skills

Certified Developer Administration

Apex Programming

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About Crystal Harris's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Crystal Harris

What is Crystal Harris email address?

Email Crystal Harris at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Crystal Harris's email found in 2025.

What is Crystal Harris phone number?

Crystal Harris phone number is 2672102657.

How to contact Crystal Harris?

To contact Crystal Harris send an email at [email protected] or [email protected] you want to call Crystal Harris try calling on 2672102657.

What company does Crystal Harris work for?

Crystal Harris works for CapTech Consulting

What is Crystal Harris's role at CapTech Consulting?

Crystal Harris is Director

What industry does Crystal Harris work in?

Crystal Harris works in the Financial Services industry.

Crystal Harris Email Addresses

Email Crystal Harris at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Crystal Harris's email found in 2025.

Crystal Harris Phone Numbers

Crystal Harris phone number is 2672102657.
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