Colin Sinclair Email & Phone Number

Colin Sinclair

Senior Data Scientist at Roblox | San Francisco, California, United States

Colin Sinclair Socials
About Colin Sinclair

Colin Sinclair is a seasoned Senior Data Scientist at Roblox, where he leverages his extensive expertise in applied operations research and machine learning to drive innovation and enhance user experience across the platform. With a strong foundation in data analysis and statistics, Colin has been instrumental in the development and optimization of Roblox Translate, an internal machine translation engine designed to seamlessly localize content for a global audience. His role encompasses the entire lifecycle of the translation process, from data processing and model training to deployment and human evaluation, ensuring that every aspect is finely tuned to meet the diverse needs of Roblox's expansive user base.

Colin's analytical mindset and continuous improvement philosophy are evident in his approach to building custom accuracy metrics tailored to various product domains. By employing advanced techniques in causal inference and optimization, he not only enhances the functional outcomes of translation but also deepens the understanding of user interactions and preferences across different languages and cultures. His proficiency in SQL and data visualization tools like Tableau allows him to extract actionable insights from complex datasets, driving strategic decisions that align with Roblox's mission of fostering creativity and community.

As a lifelong learner, Colin remains at the forefront of industry trends, constantly seeking innovative solutions to complex challenges. His commitment to excellence and passion for data-driven storytelling make him a valuable asset to the Roblox team, where he continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in machine learning and localization.

Colin Sinclair Work
1 experience icon

Senior Data Scientist at Roblox in August 2021 to Present

2 experience icon

Data Scientist at Roblox in August 2020 to July 2021

3 experience icon

Data Scientist at Lyft in March 2019 to May 2020

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Colin Sinclair Education

Purdue University, Bachelor of Science - BS

Colin Sinclair Skills

Data Analysis



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About Colin Sinclair's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Colin Sinclair

What is Colin Sinclair email address?

Email Colin Sinclair at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Colin Sinclair's email found in 2025.

What is Colin Sinclair phone number?

Colin Sinclair phone number is +1.7175797294 and 7174490460.

How to contact Colin Sinclair?

To contact Colin Sinclair send an email at [email protected] or [email protected] you want to call Colin Sinclair try calling on +1.7175797294 and 7174490460.

What company does Colin Sinclair work for?

Colin Sinclair works for Roblox

What is Colin Sinclair's role at Roblox?

Colin Sinclair is Senior Data Scientist

What industry does Colin Sinclair work in?

Colin Sinclair works in the Computer Software industry.

Colin Sinclair Email Addresses

Email Colin Sinclair at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Colin Sinclair's email found in 2025.

Colin Sinclair Phone Numbers

Colin Sinclair phone number is +1.7175797294 and 7174490460.
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