Christian Hastings Email & Phone Number

Christian Hastings

Vice President Of Business Development at GoShare | Willis, Texas, United States

Christian Hastings Socials
About Christian Hastings

Christian Hastings serves as the Vice President of Business Development at GoShare, where he leverages over 25 years of extensive experience in logistics and fleet management technologies to drive strategic growth and innovation. In his current role, Christian is instrumental in shaping GoShare’s vision to create the largest marketplace for on-demand delivery and moving services. His expertise in negotiation and sales strategies has been pivotal in establishing robust partnerships with truck owners and businesses, enhancing the platform's value proposition and expanding its reach in a competitive market.

Christian's leadership is characterized by a hands-on approach to coaching sales teams, fostering a culture of excellence and accountability. He is adept at implementing successful processes that streamline operations and improve customer relationship management (CRM), ensuring that GoShare not only meets but exceeds customer expectations. His entrepreneurial spirit fuels his passion for new business development, enabling him to identify and capitalize on emerging market opportunities.

Key projects under Christian's stewardship include the launch of targeted advertising campaigns that have significantly increased brand visibility and customer engagement, as well as initiatives aimed at risk management consulting to safeguard the interests of both service providers and clients. With a unique blend of skills in public speaking and social media marketing, Christian effectively communicates GoShare’s mission and values, positioning the company as a leader in the logistics sector. His diverse background, including a B.A. in Music, enriches his creative approach to problem-solving and innovation, making him a valuable asset to the GoShare team and the logistics industry at large.

Christian Hastings Work
1 experience icon

Vice President Of Business Development at GoShare in October 2015 to Present

2 experience icon

Vice President Sales Business Development at GoShare in October 2015 to Present

3 experience icon

Music Teacher, Co-Owner at Leading Note Studios, llc in July 2009 to Present

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Christian Hastings Education

Berklee College of Music, B.A. in Music and Film Scoring, January 1989 to January 1993

Manheim Township HS Lancaster, PA, HS diploma, January 1986 to January 1989

Christian Hastings Skills



Working with Investors

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About Christian Hastings's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Christian Hastings

What is Christian Hastings email address?

Email Christian Hastings at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Christian Hastings's email found in 2025.

What is Christian Hastings phone number?

Christian Hastings phone number is 7607035423.

How to contact Christian Hastings?

To contact Christian Hastings send an email at [email protected] or [email protected] you want to call Christian Hastings try calling on 7607035423.

What company does Christian Hastings work for?

Christian Hastings works for GoShare

What is Christian Hastings's role at GoShare?

Christian Hastings is Vice President Of Business Development

What industry does Christian Hastings work in?

Christian Hastings works in the Marketing & Advertising industry.

Christian Hastings Email Addresses

Email Christian Hastings at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Christian Hastings's email found in 2025.

Christian Hastings Phone Numbers

Christian Hastings phone number is 7607035423.
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