Chris Bennett Email & Phone Number

Chris Bennett

CEO and Co-Founder at Wonderschool | United States

Chris Bennett Socials
About Chris Bennett

As the Founder and CEO of Wonderschool, Chris Bennett is at the forefront of transforming the childcare landscape, ensuring that every child has access to quality early education within a five-minute radius from home. Under his leadership, Wonderschool has developed a unique model that blends technology with personalized care, creating a network of in-home childcare programs that are both engaging and educational. Chris's vision is driven by a deep understanding of the challenges parents face in securing reliable childcare, and he is committed to addressing these issues through innovative solutions.

Key projects under Chris's guidance include the expansion of Wonderschool’s platform, which connects families with local childcare providers while maintaining a focus on quality and accessibility. By leveraging his expertise in start-ups and private equity, Chris has successfully attracted investments that fuel Wonderschool's growth and enhance its offerings. His strategic approach to financial modeling and due diligence has positioned the company as a leader in the childcare sector, making it a trusted resource for thousands of parents seeking reliable early education options.

In addition to his operational responsibilities, Chris is also a thought leader in the industry, sharing insights through various channels, including his impactful TED Talk, "A Close-To-Home Solution for Accessible Childcare." His skills in marketing, digital media, and social media have been instrumental in building Wonderschool’s brand and expanding its reach. As the company continues to grow, Chris remains dedicated to fostering a culture of innovation and collaboration, ensuring that Wonderschool not only meets the needs of families today but also paves the way for a brighter future for children everywhere.

Chris Bennett Work
1 experience icon

SF Bay Chapter at YPO in October 2020 to Present

2 experience icon

剪辑 at 江苏视听工场影视文化发展有限公司

3 experience icon

CEO and Co-Founder at Wonderschool in January 2016 to Present

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Chris Bennett Education

University of Pennsylvania - The Wharton School, Bachelors of Science in Economics, January 2003 to January 2007

500 Startups, Startuponomics, January 2011 to January 2012

NewMe, Startuponomics, January 2011

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Chris Bennett Skills



Private Equity

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About Chris Bennett's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Chris Bennett

What is Chris Bennett email address?

Email Chris Bennett at [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Chris Bennett's email found in 2025.

What is Chris Bennett phone number?

Chris Bennett phone number is 4153230523, +1.3234563373, +1.8555547843 and +44.7715771484.

How to contact Chris Bennett?

To contact Chris Bennett send an email at [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected] you want to call Chris Bennett try calling on 4153230523, +1.3234563373, +1.8555547843 and +44.7715771484.

What company does Chris Bennett work for?

Chris Bennett works for Wonderschool

What is Chris Bennett's role at Wonderschool?

Chris Bennett is CEO and Co-Founder

Chris Bennett Email Addresses

Email Chris Bennett at [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Chris Bennett's email found in 2025.

Chris Bennett Phone Numbers

Chris Bennett phone number is 4153230523, +1.3234563373, +1.8555547843 and +44.7715771484.
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