Chase Smith Email & Phone Number

Chase Smith

Business Owner at Moto United | Draper, Utah, United States

Chase Smith Socials
About Chase Smith

Chase Smith is a seasoned Business Owner at Moto United, a family-owned and operated dealership group specializing in powersports and marine vehicles. With locations strategically positioned in Southern California, Southern Utah, and Northern Utah, Moto United has established itself as a premier destination for enthusiasts of top-tier brands such as Honda, Yamaha, Kawasaki, and Polaris, as well as renowned marine manufacturers like Nautique and Chaparral. Chase's extensive experience in the automotive industry has equipped him with a robust skill set that includes budgeting, sales management, and team building, all of which are crucial for navigating the competitive landscape of powersports retail.

Under Chase's leadership, Moto United has embarked on several key projects aimed at enhancing customer experience and operational efficiency. One notable initiative has been the implementation of a comprehensive customer relationship management (CRM) system, which has streamlined account management and improved customer service. This strategic move not only fosters stronger relationships with clients but also drives sales performance by enabling targeted marketing strategies and personalized outreach.

Chase's entrepreneurial spirit, honed during his studies at Dixie State College, is evident in his approach to strategic planning and marketing. He is adept at leveraging Microsoft Office tools, particularly PowerPoint, to present compelling sales pitches and training materials that empower his team. By focusing on managerial finance and effective sales techniques, Chase has successfully cultivated a high-performing team that is passionate about delivering exceptional service and driving growth in a dynamic market. His commitment to excellence and innovation continues to position Moto United as a leader in the powersports and marine dealership sector.

Chase Smith Work
1 experience icon

Business Owner at Moto United in October 2014 to Present

2 experience icon

Owner/General Manager at Cycle City Wyoming in October 2010 to October 2014

3 experience icon

SALES MANAGER at Southern Idaho Powersports in February 2008 to February 2009

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Chase Smith Education

Dixie State College, ASSOCIATES, February 2025

Chase Smith Skills

Customer Service

Sales Management

Financial Management

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About Chase Smith's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Chase Smith

What is Chase Smith email address?

Email Chase Smith at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Chase Smith's email found in 2025.

How to contact Chase Smith?

To contact Chase Smith send an email at [email protected] or [email protected].

What company does Chase Smith work for?

Chase Smith works for Moto United

What is Chase Smith's role at Moto United?

Chase Smith is Business Owner

What is Chase Smith's Phone Number?

Chase Smith's phone (801) ***-*285

What industry does Chase Smith work in?

Chase Smith works in the Retail industry.

Chase Smith Email Addresses

Email Chase Smith at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Chase Smith's email found in 2025.

Chase Smith Phone Numbers

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