Casey Thompson Email & Phone Number

Casey Thompson

National Communications Manager at Make-A-Wish America | Dallas, Texas, United States

Casey Thompson Socials
About Casey Thompson

As the National Communications Manager at Make-A-Wish America, Casey Thompson plays a pivotal role in shaping the organization’s narrative and enhancing its visibility through strategic media engagement and storytelling. With a robust background in both the non-profit and for-profit sectors, Casey leverages a unique blend of skills in Corporate Social Responsibility, Public Relations, and Event Management to elevate the impact of the organization’s mission.

In this leadership position, Casey oversees a dynamic team dedicated to planning and executing approximately 1,500 celebrity wishes each year, ensuring that each experience is not only memorable but also aligns with the wishes of children facing critical illnesses. With a caseload of over 400 celebrity wishes, Casey collaborates closely with celebrity managers, publicists, and influencers to identify and pursue wish-granting opportunities that resonate with the organization’s values. This involves meticulous talent management and strategic relationship-building, which are essential for creating authentic connections between celebrities and wish kids.

Casey’s expertise in media relations and content strategy allows for the effective promotion of these heartwarming stories, amplifying the organization’s reach and fostering community engagement. By utilizing social media marketing and brand management techniques, Casey ensures that the wishes granted are not only celebrated but also inspire others to contribute to the cause. Through innovative storytelling and a commitment to excellence, Casey Thompson continues to make a significant impact at Make-A-Wish America, transforming the lives of children and their families while championing the power of hope and joy.

Casey Thompson Work
1 experience icon

Communications and Social Media Manager at USO in July 2020 to Present

2 experience icon

Public Relations, Communications and Media Consultant at Project Mockingbird in March 2019 to Present

3 experience icon

National Communications Manager at Make-A-Wish America in December 2013 to March 2019

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Casey Thompson Education

Southern Methodist University, Bachelors, January 2001 to January 2005

Southern Methodist University, Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), January 2001 to January 2005

Southern Methodist University, Bachelor's degree, January 2001 to January 2005

Casey Thompson Skills

Project Management

Public Speaking


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About Casey Thompson's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Casey Thompson

What is Casey Thompson email address?

Email Casey Thompson at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Casey Thompson's email found in 2025.

How to contact Casey Thompson?

To contact Casey Thompson send an email at [email protected] or [email protected].

What company does Casey Thompson work for?

Casey Thompson works for Make-A-Wish America

What is Casey Thompson's role at Make-A-Wish America?

Casey Thompson is National Communications Manager

What is Casey Thompson's Phone Number?

Casey Thompson's phone (214) ***-*132

What industry does Casey Thompson work in?

Casey Thompson works in the Public Relations & Communications industry.

Casey Thompson Email Addresses

Email Casey Thompson at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Casey Thompson's email found in 2025.

Casey Thompson Phone Numbers

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