Calvin Richardson Email & Phone Number

Calvin Richardson

Director, Product at agilon health | Portland, Oregon, United States

Calvin Richardson Socials
About Calvin Richardson

Calvin A. Richardson serves as the Director of Product at Agilon Health, where he leverages his extensive background in payer systems, community health, and health IT to drive innovative solutions in healthcare delivery. With a steadfast belief that healthcare is a human right, Calvin is dedicated to facilitating the transition to value-based care models that prioritize patient outcomes over volume. In his current role, he collaborates closely with community physicians to design and implement programs that enhance the quality and value of care delivered to patients.

Calvin's expertise in operations management and strategic planning enables him to identify key areas for process improvement, ensuring that healthcare providers can efficiently navigate the complexities of modern healthcare systems. His experience in project management and program evaluation allows him to oversee initiatives from conception to execution, ensuring that they align with organizational goals and meet the needs of both providers and patients.

At Agilon Health, Calvin is involved in critical projects that integrate advanced healthcare information technology (EHR systems) to streamline workflows and enhance communication among care teams. His background in healthcare consulting equips him with the insights needed to address the unique challenges faced by community health providers, making him a valuable asset in the pursuit of innovative healthcare delivery solutions. Through his work, Calvin is not only advancing the mission of Agilon Health but also contributing to a broader movement towards a more equitable and effective healthcare system.

Calvin Richardson Work
1 experience icon

Director, Product at agilon health in May 2022 to Present

2 experience icon

Senior Director, Customer Success at Algorex Health in March 2021 to April 2022

3 experience icon

Assistant Director, Provider Partnerships at Cambia Health Solutions in February 2020 to March 2021

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Calvin Richardson Education

Yale University, Masters of Public Health, January 2009 to January 2011

Dartmouth College, A.B., January 2002 to January 2006

Calvin Richardson Skills

Operations Management

Process Evaluation

Healthcare Management

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About Calvin Richardson's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Calvin Richardson

What is Calvin A Richardson email address?

Email Calvin A Richardson at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Calvin A Richardson's email found in 2025.

What is Calvin A Richardson phone number?

Calvin A Richardson phone number is 860.593.4781.

How to contact Calvin A Richardson?

To contact Calvin A Richardson send an email at [email protected] or [email protected] you want to call Calvin A Richardson try calling on 860.593.4781.

What company does Calvin Richardson work for?

Calvin Richardson works for agilon health

What is Calvin Richardson's role at agilon health?

Calvin Richardson is Director, Product

What industry does Calvin Richardson work in?

Calvin Richardson works in the Hospital & Health Care industry.

Calvin Richardson Email Addresses

Calvin Richardson Phone Numbers

Calvin A Richardson phone number is 860.593.4781.
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