Brian Fink Email & Phone Number

Brian Fink

Talent Acquisition Partner at McAfee | Alpharetta, Georgia, United States

Brian Fink Socials
About Brian Fink

Brian Fink is a dynamic Talent Acquisition Partner at McAfee, where he plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of cybersecurity by building high-performing teams in Machine Learning, Data Science, and Data Engineering. With a passion for connecting talent with opportunity, Brian breathes life into innovative recruitment strategies that not only attract top-tier professionals but also foster a culture of collaboration and creativity. His expertise lies in understanding the intricate demands of the tech landscape, allowing him to identify and engage candidates who are not just skilled but also aligned with McAfee’s mission to protect families and keep the internet safe.

Currently, Brian is spearheading several key projects aimed at scaling these specialized teams, ensuring that McAfee remains at the forefront of technological advancements in cybersecurity. His approach goes beyond traditional recruitment; he actively leverages SEO and social media to enhance visibility and engagement, creating a robust pipeline of candidates eager to contribute to groundbreaking solutions. With a positive can-do attitude and a strong background in project management and HR strategy, Brian excels in navigating the complexities of staffing services and college recruiting, making him a valuable asset to McAfee's growth.

As an author, speaker, and consultant, Brian is also committed to building better technology leaders and organizations. He believes that recruitment is not merely about filling positions; it’s about redefining the future of technology through strategic talent acquisition. For those builders who are hungry to innovate and push beyond the mundane, Brian’s work at McAfee is a call to action—an invitation to join a mission that is as rewarding as it is impactful.

Brian Fink Work
1 experience icon

Talent Acquisition Partner at McAfee in December 2022 to Present

2 experience icon

Global Technical Sourcing Manager, Talent Acquisition at Twitter in May 2022 to December 2022

3 experience icon

Senior Technical Recruiter at Twitter in May 2021 to May 2022

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Brian Fink Skills


Technical Recruiting


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About Brian Fink's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Brian Fink

What is Brian Fink email address?

Email Brian Fink at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Brian Fink's email found in 2024.

What is Brian Fink phone number?

Brian Fink phone number is 2298544781.

How to contact Brian Fink?

To contact Brian Fink send an email to [email protected]. If you want to call Brian Fink try calling on 2298544781.

What company does Brian Fink work for?

Brian Fink works for McAfee

What is Brian Fink's role at McAfee?

Brian Fink is Talent Acquisition Partner

What industry does Brian Fink work in?

Brian Fink works in the Internet industry.

Brian Fink Email Addresses

Email Brian Fink at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Brian Fink's email found in 2024.

Brian Fink Phone Numbers

Brian Fink phone number is 2298544781.
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