Bill Graham Email & Phone Number

Bill Graham

Chief Marketing Officer at HomeWorks Energy, Inc. | New York City Metropolitan Area

Bill Graham Socials
About Bill Graham

As the Chief Marketing Officer at HomeWorks Energy, Inc., Bill Graham leverages his extensive expertise in multi-channel customer acquisition and service to drive impactful energy efficiency initiatives. With a strong focus on metrics-driven direct marketing strategies, Bill is instrumental in enhancing the company's outreach to homeowners and utilities alike. His leadership is pivotal in managing a robust P&L, ensuring that marketing efforts align with financial goals while fostering sustainable growth.

Bill's current projects include the development and implementation of innovative marketing campaigns that promote residential energy efficiency programs. By utilizing data analytics and customer insights, he crafts targeted messaging that resonates with diverse audiences, ultimately increasing participation in home energy assessments and upgrades. His experience in eCommerce and online marketing further enhances HomeWorks Energy's digital presence, allowing for seamless customer engagement and streamlined service delivery.

In addition to his marketing acumen, Bill is adept at business development and negotiation, skills that are crucial in forging strategic partnerships with utilities and other stakeholders. His commitment to building high-performing teams is evident in the collaborative culture he fosters, empowering team members to excel in their roles and contribute to the company's mission of making energy efficiency simple. With a strong foundation in product innovation and general management, Bill Graham continues to position HomeWorks Energy as a leader in the energy efficiency sector, driving positive change for both the environment and the communities they serve.

Bill Graham Work
1 experience icon

Chief Marketing Officer at HomeWorks Energy, Inc. in January 2020 to Present

2 experience icon

Chief Marketing Officer, Board Director at HomeServe USA in January 2016 to January 2019

3 experience icon

Chief Digital Officer at HomeServe USA in January 2014 to January 2016

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Bill Graham Education

Harvard University, AB

Northwestern University - Kellogg School of Management, MBA

Bill Graham Skills

Direct Marketing


Business Development

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About Bill Graham's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Bill Graham

What is Bill Graham email address?

Email Bill Graham at [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Bill Graham's email found in 2025.

What is Bill Graham phone number?

Bill Graham phone number is 2032498387.

How to contact Bill Graham?

To contact Bill Graham send an email at [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected] you want to call Bill Graham try calling on 2032498387.

What company does Bill Graham work for?

Bill Graham works for HomeWorks Energy, Inc.

What is Bill Graham's role at HomeWorks Energy, Inc.?

Bill Graham is Chief Marketing Officer

What industry does Bill Graham work in?

Bill Graham works in the Marketing & Advertising industry.

Bill Graham Email Addresses

Email Bill Graham at [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Bill Graham's email found in 2025.

Bill Graham Phone Numbers

Bill Graham phone number is 2032498387.
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