Ben Underwood Email & Phone Number

Ben Underwood

Co-CEO & Founder at Resonant Energy | Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Ben Underwood Socials
About Ben Underwood

As Co-CEO and Founder of Resonant Energy, Ben Underwood is at the forefront of transforming the renewable energy landscape by fostering inclusive and community-driven solar projects. With a deep commitment to bridging race, class, and language barriers, Ben leads a diverse team that collaborates with stakeholders from various backgrounds to develop, finance, and build sustainable energy solutions. His innovative approach ensures that solar energy is accessible to all, regardless of their financial situation or technical expertise.

Ben's journey into community-based energy began at Bennington College, where he was inspired by faculty member Bill Scully's pioneering work in converting old mill ponds into micro hydro power projects. This early exposure ignited his passion for sustainable energy and laid the groundwork for his future endeavors. At Resonant Energy, Ben is currently spearheading key projects that leverage local resources and community engagement to create renewable energy systems that not only reduce carbon footprints but also empower underserved communities.

His expertise in sustainability consulting, project management, and market research allows him to navigate the complexities of the renewable energy sector effectively. Ben's multilingual skills in Mandarin and Spanish further enhance his ability to connect with diverse communities, ensuring that Resonant Energy's initiatives resonate on a local level. Through public speaking engagements and collaborative partnerships, he advocates for a more equitable energy future, demonstrating that sustainable practices can thrive in every community. Under Ben's leadership, Resonant Energy is not just building solar projects; it is cultivating a movement towards a more inclusive and sustainable energy economy.

Ben Underwood Work
1 experience icon

Co-CEO & Founder at Resonant Energy in August 2016 to Present

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VP, Community Solar at Co-op Power in November 2015 to October 2016

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Co-founder & CEO at Ripe, LLC in January 2014 to April 2016

Ben Underwood Education

School for International Training, Credits towards BS in, January 2012

Gardiner H.S., January 2005 to January 2009

Yellowstone Park ES

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Ben Underwood Skills

Renewable Energy

Solar PV

Public Speaking

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About Ben Underwood's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Ben Underwood

What is Ben Underwood email address?

Email Ben Underwood at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Ben Underwood's email found in 2025.

What is Ben Underwood phone number?

Ben Underwood phone number is +1.4065996843 and +16176065238.

How to contact Ben Underwood?

To contact Ben Underwood send an email at [email protected] or [email protected] you want to call Ben Underwood try calling on +1.4065996843 and +16176065238.

What company does Ben Underwood work for?

Ben Underwood works for Resonant Energy

What is Ben Underwood's role at Resonant Energy?

Ben Underwood is Co-CEO & Founder

What industry does Ben Underwood work in?

Ben Underwood works in the Renewables & Environment industry.

Ben Underwood Email Addresses

Email Ben Underwood at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Ben Underwood's email found in 2025.

Ben Underwood Phone Numbers

Ben Underwood phone number is +1.4065996843 and +16176065238.
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