Bas Michiels Email & Phone Number

Bas Michiels

Vice President at T&T Salvage LLC | Netherlands

Bas Michiels Socials
About Bas Michiels

As Vice President at T&T Salvage LLC, Bas Michiels plays a pivotal role in shaping the company’s strategic direction within the maritime and offshore sectors, particularly focusing on Emergency Management and Wreck Removal activities across Europe and Asia. With over 15 years of experience, Bas leverages his extensive background in finance, sales, and project management to drive innovative solutions that address complex challenges in the industry. His pragmatic approach and keen understanding of market dynamics enable him to effectively navigate the intricacies of contract negotiation and operations management, ensuring that T&T Salvage remains a leader in its field.

Bas is instrumental in leading a diverse, multi-cultural team of experts, fostering an environment of collaboration and knowledge-sharing that enhances the company’s operational efficiency. His commitment to relationship management is evident in his ability to build strong partnerships with stakeholders across various regions, facilitating seamless communication and coordination during critical salvage operations. Notably, Bas has spearheaded key projects that have not only improved the company’s service offerings but also reinforced T&T Salvage’s reputation for reliability and excellence in emergency response.

In addition to his leadership skills, Bas’s expertise in business strategy and marketing strategy allows him to identify emerging trends and opportunities within the maritime industry, positioning T&T Salvage for sustained growth. His ambitious and resourceful nature drives him to continuously seek innovative approaches to enhance service delivery, making him a valuable asset to the T&T Salvage management team and the broader maritime community.

Bas Michiels Work
1 experience icon

Vice President at T&T Salvage LLC in August 2020 to Present

2 experience icon

Director EMEA & Asia at Ardent in January 2020 to July 2020

3 experience icon

Director Asia at Ardent in January 2018 to January 2020

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Bas Michiels Education

Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Master of Science, January 2001 to January 2006

Albeda College, January 1998 to January 1999

Erasmiaans Gymnasium, January 1991 to January 1998

Bas Michiels Skills

Business Strategy

Relationship Management

Building Relationships

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About Bas Michiels's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Bas Michiels

What is Bas Michiels email address?

Email Bas Michiels at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Bas Michiels's email found in 2025.

How to contact Bas Michiels?

To contact Bas Michiels send an email to [email protected] or [email protected].

What company does Bas Michiels work for?

Bas Michiels works for T&T Salvage LLC

What is Bas Michiels's role at T&T Salvage LLC?

Bas Michiels is Vice President

What is Bas Michiels's Phone Number?

Bas Michiels's phone (**) *** *** 444

What industry does Bas Michiels work in?

Bas Michiels works in the Maritime industry.

Bas Michiels Email Addresses

Email Bas Michiels at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Bas Michiels's email found in 2025.

Bas Michiels Phone Numbers

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