Art Howe Email & Phone Number

Art Howe

Managing Partner at Dream Garden Consultants | Glenside, Pennsylvania, United States

Art Howe Socials
About Art Howe

Art Howe, as Managing Partner at Dream Garden Consultants, leverages his extensive background in journalism and entrepreneurship to drive innovation in the biotechnology sector. With a career spanning over three decades, Art has a unique ability to transform complex scientific concepts into viable business strategies. His expertise is particularly valuable in the realms of market analysis, clinical design, and capital formation, where he guides early-stage and growth-stage biotech companies through the intricacies of the startup lifecycle.

At Dream Garden Consultants, Art is currently spearheading several key projects aimed at enhancing the commercial viability of groundbreaking life sciences innovations. His role involves collaborating closely with founders to refine their business models, develop comprehensive go-to-market strategies, and secure necessary funding. Art's experience in launching and scaling more than 50 media and technology companies equips him with a keen insight into the dynamics of startup ecosystems, making him a sought-after advisor for entrepreneurs navigating the challenges of the biotech landscape.

Art’s background as a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist enriches his approach to digital strategy and marketing, allowing him to craft compelling narratives that resonate with investors and stakeholders alike. His proficiency in digital marketing, SEM, and web analytics further enhances his ability to position biotech companies for success in a competitive marketplace. By combining his journalistic acumen with a robust understanding of the life sciences industry, Art Howe is not just a consultant; he is a catalyst for transformative growth in the biotech sector.

Art Howe Work
1 experience icon

Managing Partner at Dream Garden Consultants in October 2021 to Present

2 experience icon

Co-founder and Chief Financial Officer at Imvax, Inc. in September 2015 to October 2021

3 experience icon

Member Board Of Directors at Candid in January 2014 to February 2020

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Art Howe Skills


Mobile Technology


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Frequently Asked Questions about Art Howe

What is Art Howe email address?

Email Art Howe at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Art Howe's email found in 2025.

What is Art Howe phone number?

Art Howe phone number is +1.2154850071.

How to contact Art Howe?

To contact Art Howe send an email at [email protected] you want to call Art Howe try calling on +1.2154850071.

What company does Art Howe work for?

Art Howe works for Dream Garden Consultants

What is Art Howe's role at Dream Garden Consultants?

Art Howe is Managing Partner

What industry does Art Howe work in?

Art Howe works in the Biotechnology industry.

Art Howe Email Addresses

Email Art Howe at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Art Howe's email found in 2025.

Art Howe Phone Numbers

Art Howe phone number is +1.2154850071.
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