Anne Pritz Email & Phone Number

Anne Pritz

Chief Marketing Officer at Royal Cup Coffee and Tea | Charlotte Metro

Anne Pritz Socials
About Anne Pritz

As the Chief Marketing Officer at Royal Cup Coffee and Tea, Anne Pritz brings over 20 years of extensive brand marketing experience, adeptly navigating both publicly and privately held companies, as well as private equity-backed organizations. Her innovative approach to brand architecture and marketing strategy has been pivotal in enhancing the company’s market presence and consumer engagement. Currently, Anne is leading the development of the Bobby's Burgers by Bobby Flay brand positioning for its franchise model, a project that exemplifies her expertise in brand management and development.

In her role, Anne oversees the planning and execution of comprehensive marketing strategies and initiatives that resonate with diverse consumer demographics. She is particularly skilled in gathering and leveraging consumer insights and guest experience data, which are critical for informed brand planning and decision-making. By collaborating closely with the Executive Team, she supports franchise recruitment efforts, ensuring that the marketing strategies align with the overall corporate vision and objectives.

Anne's proficiency in market planning and direct marketing has enabled her to drive notable consumer brands to new heights, fostering cross-functional team leadership and regional marketing initiatives that amplify brand visibility. Her strategic mindset and hands-on leadership style empower her teams to execute innovative campaigns that not only attract new customers but also enhance the loyalty of existing ones. With a keen eye for budgeting and resource allocation, Anne ensures that every marketing dollar spent contributes to measurable growth and brand equity, solidifying Royal Cup Coffee and Tea's position as a leader in the industry.

Anne Pritz Work
1 experience icon

Chief Marketing Officer at Royal Cup Coffee and Tea in November 2016 to Present

2 experience icon

Chief Marketing Officer at Sbarro in August 2014 to November 2016

3 experience icon

Vice President, Marketing at Sbarro in June 2014 to August 2014

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Anne Pritz Education

Otterbein University, BA, Communication, February 2025

Anne Pritz Skills

Franchise Consulting

Management Consulting

Brand Strategy

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Frequently Asked Questions about Anne Pritz

What is Anne Pritz email address?

Email Anne Pritz at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Anne Pritz's email found in 2025.

What is Anne Pritz phone number?

Anne Pritz phone number is 6108586935.

How to contact Anne Pritz?

To contact Anne Pritz send an email at [email protected] or [email protected] you want to call Anne Pritz try calling on 6108586935.

What company does Anne Pritz work for?

Anne Pritz works for Royal Cup Coffee and Tea

What is Anne Pritz's role at Royal Cup Coffee and Tea?

Anne Pritz is Chief Marketing Officer

What industry does Anne Pritz work in?

Anne Pritz works in the Marketing and Advertising industry.

Anne Pritz Email Addresses

Email Anne Pritz at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Anne Pritz's email found in 2025.

Anne Pritz Phone Numbers

Anne Pritz phone number is 6108586935.
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