Amilcar Santos Email & Phone Number

Amilcar Santos

Spanish Teacher/ owner at bonita Spanish Center | Bonita Springs, Florida, United States

Amilcar Santos Socials
About Amilcar Santos

Amilcar Santos is a dedicated educator and the owner of Bonita Spanish Center, where he leverages his extensive experience in language instruction to foster a love for the Spanish language among students of all ages. With a strong foundation in curriculum development and a commitment to educational excellence, Amilcar specializes in teaching conversational Spanish, grammar, creative writing, and literature. His adaptive teaching methodologies are tailored to meet the individual needs of each student, ensuring that they not only grasp the language but also gain confidence in their communication skills.

In his current role, Amilcar is not only an instructor but also a visionary leader who has successfully directed regional and international initiatives within a Christian organization. His responsibilities included staffing, strategic directives, and the training of national missionary teams, which honed his skills in educational leadership and intercultural communication. By developing and implementing strategic academic Spanish program plans, he has created a robust framework that enhances language acquisition and cultural understanding.

Key projects at Bonita Spanish Center include the introduction of innovative e-learning modules that cater to diverse learning styles, making Spanish accessible to a broader audience. Amilcar’s expertise in teacher training and classroom management has also led to the establishment of a supportive learning environment that encourages collaboration and engagement among students. His passion for language services extends beyond the classroom, as he actively participates in community outreach programs aimed at promoting bilingualism and cultural exchange. Through his dedication and expertise, Amilcar Santos continues to make a significant impact in the field of language education, inspiring students to embrace the richness of the Spanish language and culture.

Amilcar Santos Work
1 experience icon

Spanish Teacher/ owner at bonita Spanish Center in June 1992 to Present

2 experience icon

Owner of Bonita Spanish Center at bonita Spanish Center in June 2000 to Present

Amilcar Santos Skills


Language Teaching

Curriculum Design

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Frequently Asked Questions about Amilcar Santos

What is Amilcar Santos email address?

Email Amilcar Santos at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Amilcar Santos's email found in 2025.

How to contact Amilcar Santos?

To contact Amilcar Santos send an email at [email protected].

What company does Amilcar Santos work for?

Amilcar Santos works for bonita Spanish Center

What is Amilcar Santos's role at bonita Spanish Center?

Amilcar Santos is Spanish Teacher/ owner

What is Amilcar Santos's Phone Number?

Amilcar Santos's phone (305) ***-*132

What industry does Amilcar Santos work in?

Amilcar Santos works in the E-learning industry.

Amilcar Santos Email Addresses

Email Amilcar Santos at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Amilcar Santos's email found in 2025.

Amilcar Santos Phone Numbers

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