Amber Todd Email & Phone Number

Amber Todd

Senior Vice President of Default Servicing at RoundPoint Mortgage Servicing LLC | Charlotte Metro

Amber Todd Socials
About Amber Todd

Amber Todd serves as the Senior Vice President of Default Servicing at RoundPoint Mortgage Servicing LLC, where she leverages over 15 years of extensive experience in default servicing and legal frameworks to drive operational excellence and strategic growth. In her pivotal role, Amber oversees a comprehensive suite of services including Loss Mitigation, Foreclosure, Bankruptcy, Property Preservation, Hazard Claims, REO, and Claims. Her leadership is characterized by a commitment to process improvement and risk mitigation, ensuring that her department not only meets but consistently exceeds performance metrics.

Amber is known for her decisive leadership style, which fosters a culture of accountability and continuous development among her diverse teams. She is deeply involved in coaching and mentoring, empowering her staff to enhance their skills in mortgage servicing, loan modifications, and vendor management. Under her guidance, the Default Servicing department has implemented innovative strategies that align with RoundPoint’s vision for growth, while adhering to stringent default servicing budgets.

Her expertise in navigating complex regulatory environments, including FNMA and HUD foreclosures, positions her as a key player in the industry. Amber’s strategic foresight and capacity planning abilities enable her to anticipate market trends and adjust operational strategies accordingly, ensuring that RoundPoint remains competitive in a rapidly evolving landscape. Through her dedication to excellence and her passion for developing talent, Amber Todd continues to make a significant impact on both her team and the broader mortgage servicing industry.

Amber Todd Work
1 experience icon

Senior Vice President of Default Servicing at RoundPoint Mortgage Servicing LLC in June 2021 to Present

2 experience icon

Vice President of Default Oversight at RoundPoint Mortgage Servicing LLC in May 2016 to June 2021

3 experience icon

Program Manager at RoundPoint Mortgage Servicing LLC in September 2015 to May 2016

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Amber Todd Skills



Mortgage Servicing

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Frequently Asked Questions about Amber Todd

What is Amber Todd email address?

Email Amber Todd at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Amber Todd's email found in 2025.

What is Amber Todd phone number?

Amber Todd phone number is 9802580040.

How to contact Amber Todd?

To contact Amber Todd send an email to [email protected] or [email protected]. If you want to call Amber Todd try calling on 9802580040.

What company does Amber Todd work for?

Amber Todd works for RoundPoint Mortgage Servicing LLC

What is Amber Todd's role at RoundPoint Mortgage Servicing LLC?

Amber Todd is Senior Vice President of Default Servicing

What industry does Amber Todd work in?

Amber Todd works in the Financial Services industry.

Amber Todd Email Addresses

Email Amber Todd at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Amber Todd's email found in 2025.

Amber Todd Phone Numbers

Amber Todd phone number is 9802580040.
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