Alex Neist Email & Phone Number

Alex Neist

Founder & CEO at Neist Media | Greater Minneapolis-St. Paul Area

Alex Neist Socials
About Alex Neist

Alex Neist is a visionary entrepreneur and the driving force behind Neist Media, where he has successfully positioned himself as a leader in the e-commerce space with his innovative product, Hostage Tape. As the Founder & CEO, Alex has harnessed his extensive background in sports video analytics—spanning over 16 years—to create a brand that is revolutionizing sleep quality for countless individuals. Hostage Tape, known for being the strongest comfortable mouth tape on the planet, is designed to promote better breathing during sleep, ultimately leading to improved rest and overall well-being.

Under Alex's leadership, Hostage Tape has achieved remarkable growth, skyrocketing to seven figures in monthly revenue and poised to reach eight figures in 2023. His unique blend of skills in sports marketing, public speaking, and video editing has enabled him to effectively communicate the benefits of his product, resonating with a diverse audience. By leveraging his expertise in athletics and scouting, Alex has crafted a brand narrative that not only highlights the importance of quality sleep but also empowers individuals to take control of their health.

At Neist Media, Alex is not just focused on product development; he is committed to educating consumers about the critical link between breathing and sleep quality. His passion for helping others breathe better and sleep better is evident in every aspect of his work. As he continues to innovate and expand the reach of Hostage Tape, Alex Neist is set to make a lasting impact on the wellness industry, proving that with the right tools, no one has to let bad sleep hold them hostage.

Alex Neist Work
1 experience icon

Founder & CEO at Neist Media in March 2022 to Present

2 experience icon

Founder/CEO at in January 2007 to March 2022

3 experience icon

VP of Analytics at Pixellot - AI-Automated Sports Production in December 2019 to March 2022

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Alex Neist Education

University of Minnesota, February 1998 to February 2025

Concordia University-St. Paul

Alex Neist Skills




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Frequently Asked Questions about Alex Neist

What is Alex Neist email address?

Email Alex Neist at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Alex Neist's email found in 2025.

What is Alex Neist phone number?

Alex Neist phone number is +1.6122816708.

How to contact Alex Neist?

To contact Alex Neist send an email at [email protected] you want to call Alex Neist try calling on +1.6122816708.

What company does Alex Neist work for?

Alex Neist works for Neist Media

What is Alex Neist's role at Neist Media?

Alex Neist is Founder & CEO

What industry does Alex Neist work in?

Alex Neist works in the Internet industry.

Alex Neist Email Addresses

Email Alex Neist at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Alex Neist's email found in 2025.

Alex Neist Phone Numbers

Alex Neist phone number is +1.6122816708.
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