Akhu Ausar Email & Phone Number

Akhu Ausar

Network Voice Engineering Consultant at DDJR Enterprises | Chicago, Illinois, United States

Akhu Ausar Socials
About Akhu Ausar

Akhu Ausar serves as a Network Voice Engineering Consultant at DDJR Enterprises, where he leverages over two decades of extensive experience in Hybrid Network Solutions Architecture. His role is pivotal in designing and implementing robust network infrastructures that seamlessly integrate on-premises and cloud environments. Akhu's expertise encompasses a wide array of platforms and applications, enabling him to develop scalable solutions tailored to meet the evolving demands of today's fast-paced technological landscape.

At DDJR Enterprises, Akhu is currently spearheading several key projects that focus on enhancing collaboration solutions through advanced VoIP technologies. His proficiency in Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and Cisco Call Manager allows him to optimize communication systems, ensuring high availability and security. He is deeply committed to network and data security, employing best practices in IT operations and technical architecture to safeguard sensitive information against emerging threats.

In addition to his technical skills, Akhu excels in IT documentation, which is essential for maintaining clarity and compliance within complex network environments. His hands-on experience with VMware vSphere Hypervisor further enhances his ability to create virtualized solutions that improve resource efficiency and scalability. Akhu's passion for technology and innovation drives him to stay at the forefront of industry advancements, ensuring that he not only meets but exceeds the expectations of his clients. His dedication to cultivating a more connected society through technology reflects his belief in the transformative power of digital communication and collaboration.

Akhu Ausar Work
1 experience icon

Network Voice Engineering Consultant at DDJR Enterprises in January 2008 to Present

2 experience icon

Health and Wellness Consultant at Akhu Yoga llc in May 2012 to Present

3 experience icon

Sr.Network Voice Engineer at Reyes Holdings in June 2019 to April 2022

Akhu Ausar Education

DeVry University, Telecommunications Engineering, 4.8, February 2025

Chapman University, Psychology, 4.0, February 1998 to February 2025

Frequently Asked Questions about Akhu Ausar

What company does Akhu Ausar work for?

Akhu Ausar works for DDJR Enterprises

What is Akhu Ausar's role at DDJR Enterprises?

Akhu Ausar is Network Voice Engineering Consultant

What is Akhu Ausar's personal email address?

Akhu Ausar's personal email address is ak****[email protected]

What is Akhu Ausar's business email address?

Akhu Ausar's business email address is a****[email protected]

What is Akhu Ausar's Phone Number?

Akhu Ausar's phone (217) ***-*200

What industry does Akhu Ausar work in?

Akhu Ausar works in the Alternative Medicine industry.

Akhu Ausar Email Addresses

Akhu Ausar Phone Numbers

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