Valeria Catan Email & Phone Number

Valeria Catan

Founder at Valeria Catan Agency | Mexico City, Mexico

Valeria Catan Socials
About Valeria Catan

Valeria Catan is a dynamic leader and visionary founder of the Valeria Catan Agency, where she harnesses her extensive experience in business development, public relations, and community outreach to foster meaningful connections between organizations, artists, and thought leaders. With over a decade of expertise, Valeria has cultivated a unique approach that emphasizes the importance of human connection and creative collaboration in driving impactful change. Her agency specializes in navigating the complexities of organizational transformation, helping clients align their internal values and mindset with their external goals.

At the heart of Valeria's work is a proven process of discovery and implementation, which empowers clients to ignite their purpose and nurture their creative spirit. She has successfully led key projects that range from innovative marketing communications campaigns to community engagement initiatives that resonate deeply with diverse audiences. Valeria's proficiency in arts administration and corporate communications allows her to bridge the gap between creative expression and strategic business objectives, ensuring that her clients not only thrive but also contribute positively to their communities.

Valeria's passion for fostering growth and connection is evident in her collaborative partnerships with organizations and artists across Latin America. By leveraging her skills in social networking and copy editing, she crafts compelling narratives that elevate her clients' missions and amplify their voices. As a thought leader in the industry, Valeria Catan continues to inspire those around her, proving that when ideas soar and communities engage, the potential for positive impact is limitless.

Valeria Catan Work
1 experience icon

Founder at Valeria Catan Agency in February 2020 to Present

2 experience icon

Communications & Community Lead at Summit Impact in October 2021 to Present

3 experience icon

Head of Communications & Design at Summit Impact in October 2021 to Present

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Valeria Catan Education

Parsons School of Design, Fine Arts Program: Drawing and Painting, January 2007

Seth Godin's Akimbo Workshops, FR Certificate Granted, January 2020

The Story Skills Workshop, STR Certificate Granted, January 2020

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Valeria Catan Skills

Business Development in Latin America

Strategic Communications


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Frequently Asked Questions about Valeria Catan

What is Valeria Catan email address?

Email Valeria Catan at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Valeria Catan's email found in 2025.

How to contact Valeria Catan?

To contact Valeria Catan send an email at [email protected] or [email protected].

What company does Valeria Catan work for?

Valeria Catan works for Valeria Catan Agency

What is Valeria Catan's role at Valeria Catan Agency?

Valeria Catan is Founder

What is Valeria Catan's Phone Number?

Valeria Catan's phone (**) *** *** 125

What industry does Valeria Catan work in?

Valeria Catan works in the Music industry.

Valeria Catan Email Addresses

Email Valeria Catan at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Valeria Catan's email found in 2025.

Valeria Catan Phone Numbers

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