Rita Feria Email & Phone Number

Rita Feria

Chair of Tax Law at University of Leeds | United Kingdom

Rita Feria Socials
About Rita Feria

Professor Rita De La Feria is a distinguished academic and thought leader in the field of tax law, currently serving as the Chair of Tax Law at the University of Leeds since January 2016. Her extensive expertise encompasses a wide range of areas, including tax policy, European law, and constitutional law, making her a pivotal figure in shaping contemporary tax discourse. At Leeds, she is instrumental in delivering advanced courses such as Tax Law and Policy for LLM and MSc students, as well as Tax Fraud for LLB and BA programs, where she integrates her rich research background into her teaching methodologies.

In addition to her role at Leeds, Professor De La Feria is an International Research Fellow at the Centre for Business Taxation at Oxford University, where she contributes to critical research on the implications of tax policy in a globalized economy. Her involvement as a Visiting Professor at the University of Lisbon further underscores her commitment to fostering international collaboration in legal education and research.

Professor De La Feria has been recognized in the Global Tax 50 list in 2015, highlighting her influence and contributions to the field. She is actively engaged in key projects that explore the intersections of tax law with corporate governance and cross-border transactions, addressing the complexities of tax compliance and enforcement in an increasingly interconnected world. Her scholarly work not only advances academic understanding but also informs policymakers, legal practitioners, and businesses navigating the evolving landscape of tax regulation. Through her leadership and innovative approach, Professor De La Feria continues to inspire the next generation of legal scholars and practitioners in tax law.

Rita Feria Work
1 experience icon

Chair of Tax Law at University of Leeds in January 2016 to Present

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Visiting Professor at CATÓLICA GLOBAL SCHOOL OF LAW in January 2009 to Present

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Visiting Professor at University of Lisbon in January 2009 to Present

Rita Feria Skills

Tax Law

Tax Policy


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About Rita Feria's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Rita Feria

What is Rita De La Feria email address?

Email Rita De La Feria at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Rita De La Feria's email found in 2025.

How to contact Rita De La Feria?

To contact Rita De La Feria send an email at [email protected].

What company does Rita Feria work for?

Rita Feria works for University of Leeds

What is Rita Feria's role at University of Leeds?

Rita Feria is Chair of Tax Law

What is Rita Feria's Phone Number?

Rita Feria's phone +44 ** **** *368

What industry does Rita Feria work in?

Rita Feria works in the Higher Education industry.

Rita Feria Email Addresses

Rita Feria Phone Numbers

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