Porter Mcconnell Email & Phone Number

Porter Mcconnell

Take On Wall Street Campaign Director at Americans for Financial Reform | Washington, District of Columbia, United States

Porter Mcconnell Socials
About Porter Mcconnell

Porter McConnell serves as the Take On Wall Street Campaign Director at Americans for Financial Reform, where he plays a pivotal role in advocating for a financial system that prioritizes the needs of working families over the interests of large Wall Street banks. With a robust background in policy strategy and community organizing, Porter leads a diverse coalition composed of community-based organizations, labor unions, and national advocates. This coalition is dedicated to advancing federal, state, and local policy initiatives that aim to dismantle systemic barriers and promote equitable financial practices.

Under Porter’s leadership, the Take On Wall Street campaign has launched several key projects that focus on increasing transparency in financial institutions, advocating for consumer protections, and pushing for reforms that address the disproportionate impact of financial policies on marginalized communities. His ability to translate complex financial concepts into accessible language empowers coalition members and the public to engage meaningfully in policy discussions.

Porter’s expertise in coalition-building and public policy is complemented by his strong writing skills, which enable him to craft compelling narratives that resonate with diverse audiences. He is adept at navigating the intricate landscape of politics and leveraging relationships within the nonprofit sector to drive impactful change. Through his work, Porter McConnell exemplifies the power of grassroots advocacy in reshaping the financial landscape to better serve all Americans, particularly those historically underserved by the banking system.

Porter Mcconnell Work
1 experience icon

Take On Wall Street Campaign Director at Americans for Financial Reform in December 2017 to Present

Porter Mcconnell Skills

Policy Analysis



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About Porter Mcconnell's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Porter Mcconnell

What is Porter Mcconnell email address?

Email Porter Mcconnell at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Porter Mcconnell's email found in 2025.

How to contact Porter Mcconnell?

To contact Porter Mcconnell send an email at [email protected].

What company does Porter Mcconnell work for?

Porter Mcconnell works for Americans for Financial Reform

What is Porter Mcconnell's role at Americans for Financial Reform?

Porter Mcconnell is Take On Wall Street Campaign Director

What is Porter Mcconnell's Phone Number?

Porter Mcconnell's phone (206) ***-*596

What industry does Porter Mcconnell work in?

Porter Mcconnell works in the Non-profit Organization Management industry.

Porter Mcconnell Email Addresses

Email Porter Mcconnell at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Porter Mcconnell's email found in 2025.

Porter Mcconnell Phone Numbers

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