Peter Johnson Email & Phone Number

Peter Johnson

Department Head, Office of Legal Systems at Superior Court of Pennsylvania | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

Peter Johnson Socials
About Peter Johnson

Peter Johnson serves as the Department Head of the Office of Legal Systems at the Superior Court of Pennsylvania, where he plays a pivotal role in integrating technology into the judicial process. With a robust background as both an attorney and a cybersecurity professional, Peter has a unique blend of legal acumen and technical expertise that positions him as a leader in the evolving landscape of court technology. Over the years, he has successfully spearheaded several key projects aimed at enhancing operational efficiency and ensuring data integrity within the court system. Notably, he implemented an innovative algorithmic assignment system that optimizes the allocation of judges to court sessions and case panels, significantly improving case management and reducing delays.

In his current role, Peter oversees a dedicated team of five staff members, managing all aspects of the Court's technology environment and budget. His responsibilities extend to ensuring compliance with litigation policies, contracts, and licensing agreements, as well as establishing robust data governance frameworks. His commitment to data privacy and security is paramount, as he navigates the complexities of privacy compliance and legal standards in a digital age. Peter's leadership not only fosters a culture of accountability and transparency within the Office of Legal Systems but also positions the Superior Court of Pennsylvania as a forward-thinking institution that prioritizes the protection of sensitive information. With a keen focus on risk management and auditing, Peter Johnson continues to drive initiatives that enhance the integrity and efficiency of the judicial process, making a lasting impact on the legal community.

Peter Johnson Work
1 experience icon

Department Head, Office of Legal Systems at Superior Court of Pennsylvania in January 2014 to Present

2 experience icon

Judicial Law Clerk at Superior Court of Pennsylvania in January 2013 to January 2014

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Staff Attorney at Superior Court of Pennsylvania in January 2012 to January 2013

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Peter Johnson Education

Tulane University, BA, January 2004 to January 2008

Villanova University School of Law, JD, January 2008 to January 2011

Peter Johnson Skills

Legal Research

Legal Writing


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About Peter Johnson's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Peter Johnson

What is Peter Johnson email address?

Email Peter Johnson at [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Peter Johnson's email found in 2025.

How to contact Peter Johnson?

To contact Peter Johnson send an email to [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected].

What company does Peter Johnson work for?

Peter Johnson works for Superior Court of Pennsylvania

What is Peter Johnson's role at Superior Court of Pennsylvania?

Peter Johnson is Department Head, Office of Legal Systems

What is Peter Johnson's Phone Number?

Peter Johnson's phone (215) ***-*166

What industry does Peter Johnson work in?

Peter Johnson works in the Law Practice industry.

Peter Johnson Email Addresses

Email Peter Johnson at [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Peter Johnson's email found in 2025.

Peter Johnson Phone Numbers

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