Max Benitz Email & Phone Number

Max Benitz

Project Manager at The Clorox Company | San Francisco, California, United States

Max Benitz Socials
About Max Benitz

Max Benitz is a seasoned Project Manager at The Clorox Company, where he leverages his extensive background in project management and supply chain operations to drive impactful initiatives within the consumer products sector. With a decade of experience in project management and a robust six years in executive management, Max has honed his ability to lead cross-functional teams and navigate complex project landscapes. His PMI certification as a Project Management Professional (PMP) underscores his commitment to excellence and adherence to industry standards.

At Clorox, Max plays a pivotal role in developing and executing comprehensive project plans that align with the company's strategic objectives. He is adept at managing project budgets, timelines, and risk assessments, ensuring that all stakeholders, including directors and VPs from both Clorox and Procter & Gamble, are aligned with project goals and outcomes. His presentations to senior management are not just informative; they are strategic discussions that foster collaboration and drive decision-making.

Max’s expertise extends to financial management and compliance with personnel and statutory requirements, making him a valuable asset in maintaining operational integrity. His familiarity with SAP and supply chain management enhances his ability to optimize processes and improve product quality. By integrating customer insights into product development, Max ensures that Clorox remains responsive to market demands while maintaining high standards of excellence in manufacturing planning. His commitment to process improvement and customer-centric strategies positions him as a leader in the consumer products industry, driving innovation and operational efficiency at The Clorox Company.

Max Benitz Work
1 experience icon

Project Manager at The Clorox Company in February 2003 to Present

2 experience icon

Group Manager of Project Management at The Clorox Company in February 2019 to Present

3 experience icon

Operations Manager at The Clorox Company/Electro Creative Workshop in February 2014 to February 2019

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Max Benitz Education

Cornell University, High School Advanced Placement

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, High School Advanced Placement

University of California, Berkeley, Astrophysics

Max Benitz Skills

Project Management

Cross-functional Team Leadership

Process Improvement

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About Max Benitz's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Max Benitz

What is Max Benitz email address?

Email Max Benitz at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Max Benitz's email found in 2025.

How to contact Max Benitz?

To contact Max Benitz send an email at [email protected].

What company does Max Benitz work for?

Max Benitz works for The Clorox Company

What is Max Benitz's role at The Clorox Company?

Max Benitz is Project Manager

What is Max Benitz's Phone Number?

Max Benitz's phone (213) ***-*385

What industry does Max Benitz work in?

Max Benitz works in the Consumer Goods industry.

Max Benitz Email Addresses

Email Max Benitz at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Max Benitz's email found in 2025.

Max Benitz Phone Numbers

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