Fr Ghanoum Email & Phone Number

Fr Ghanoum

Director of Spiritual Care & Palliative Care HCA at HCA Healthcare | United States

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About Fr Ghanoum

Fr. Gabriel Ghanoum serves as the Director of Spiritual Care and Palliative Care at HCA Healthcare, where he plays a pivotal role in integrating holistic approaches to patient care. His expertise in psycho-oncology, grief and bereavement, and trauma-informed care allows him to lead initiatives that prioritize the emotional and spiritual well-being of patients and their families during some of the most challenging times in their lives. Fr. Ghanoum’s commitment to integrative wellness is evident in his collaborative efforts with multidisciplinary teams, ensuring that care is not only comprehensive but also compassionate.

In addition to his leadership role at HCA Healthcare, Fr. Ghanoum is an Affiliate Associate Professor at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, where he contributes to the education of future healthcare professionals. His involvement in the JFK/UM Medical Residents’ Wellness Program underscores his dedication to fostering resilience and well-being among medical trainees, equipping them with the tools necessary to navigate the emotional demands of their profession.

Fr. Ghanoum is also a published author, having co-written significant works such as "Transforming Relationships: Essentials for Building Bridges of Connection" and "Trauma Treatment - Healing the Whole Person." These publications reflect his deep understanding of the psychological aspects of care and the importance of meaningful connections in the healing process. His skills in counseling psychology, pastoral care, and process improvement are instrumental in enhancing the quality of care provided at HCA Healthcare, making him a respected leader in the fields of spiritual and palliative care. Through his innovative approaches and unwavering commitment to patient-centered care, Fr. Ghanoum continues to make a profound impact on the lives of those he serves.

Fr Ghanoum Work
1 experience icon

Director of Spiritual Care & Palliative Care HCA at HCA Healthcare in February 2011 to Present

Fr Ghanoum Skills




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Frequently Asked Questions about Fr Ghanoum

What is Fr Gabriel Ghanoum email address?

Email Fr Gabriel Ghanoum at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Fr Gabriel Ghanoum's email found in 2025.

How to contact Fr Gabriel Ghanoum?

To contact Fr Gabriel Ghanoum send an email at [email protected].

What company does Fr Ghanoum work for?

Fr Ghanoum works for HCA Healthcare

What is Fr Ghanoum's role at HCA Healthcare?

Fr Ghanoum is Director of Spiritual Care & Palliative Care HCA

What is Fr Ghanoum's Phone Number?

Fr Ghanoum's phone (***) ***-*525

What industry does Fr Ghanoum work in?

Fr Ghanoum works in the Hospital & Health Care industry.

Fr Ghanoum Email Addresses

Fr Ghanoum Phone Numbers

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