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United Development Company (UDC) Email Format

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About United Development Company (UDC)

501-1,000 employees View all
Pearl BLVD, The Pearl-Qatar, Doha, QA
United Development Company (UDC) | 15,072 followers on LinkedIn | A cornerstone in the development of Qatar | United Development Company (UDC) is a leading Qatari public shareholding company with a mission to identify and invest in long-term projects contributing to Qatar’s growth and providing good shareholder value. Established in 1999, the Company was first listed on the Qatar Exchange in June of 2003. It has an authorized share capital of QR 3.5 billion and total assets of QR 18.3 billion at 31 March 2019.

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Frequently Asked Questions about United Development Company (UDC)

What is United Development Company (UDC) email format?

The widely used United Development Company (UDC) email format is {first}.{last} (e.g. [email protected]) with 68.18% adoption across the company.

What is United Development Company (UDC) customer service number?

To contact United Development Company (UDC) customer service number call here +974 4409 8400. To contact United Development Company (UDC) customer service number in your country click here to find.

Who is the CEO of United Development Company (UDC)?

Amani Al Ghadban is the CEO of United Development Company (UDC).

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