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The First MicroFinanceBank - Afghanistan (FMFB-A) Email Format

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About The First MicroFinanceBank - Afghanistan (FMFB-A)

1,001-5,000 employees View all
The First MicroFinance Bank (FMFB-A) is part of the Aga Khan Agency for Microfinance (AKAM), which has programmes in over 11 countries throughout the developing world. The First MicrofinanceBank (FMFB-A) has a commercial banking license and started operations in 2004. Its prime objective in Afghanistan is to contribute to poverty alleviation and economic development though the provision of sustainable financial services to the poor and under served. Our vision is to be recognized as the leading microfinance services provider contributing to poverty alleviation and economic development through the provision of sustainable financial services primarily targeting at the micro and small businesses and households. To reduce poverty, diminish the vulnerability of poor populations and alleviate economic and social exclusion, it aims to help people become self-reliant and eventually gain the skills needed to graduate into the mainstream financial markets.

Frequently Asked Questions about The First MicroFinanceBank - Afghanistan (FMFB-A)

What is The First MicroFinanceBank - Afghanistan (FMFB-A) email format?

The widely used The First MicroFinanceBank - Afghanistan (FMFB-A) email format is {first}.{last} (e.g. [email protected]) with 33.33% adoption across the company.

What is The First MicroFinanceBank - Afghanistan (FMFB-A) customer service number?

To contact The First MicroFinanceBank - Afghanistan (FMFB-A) customer service number in your country click here to find.

Who is the CEO of The First MicroFinanceBank - Afghanistan (FMFB-A)?

Abdul Qayum Sabbah is the CEO of The First MicroFinanceBank - Afghanistan (FMFB-A). To contact Abdul Qayum Sabbah email at [email protected] or [email protected].

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