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TAQA (Industrialization & Energy Services Company) Email Format

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About TAQA (Industrialization & Energy Services Company)

501-1,000 employees View all
oil & energy
Prince Fiasal Bin Fahad Road,Dhahran,Eastern Region,SA
Since its inception, TAQA has been a champion in providing leading products and services to the energy industry in Saudi Arabia, enabling performance and sustainable business for our customers. TAQA has invested heavily in bringing new industrial sectors, such as seamless pipe manufacturing to the Kingdom. TAQA is also leading the way in pioneering training programs, development of the small-to-medium enterprise community, and launching key R&D projects.TAQA continues working towards building an integrated suite of capabilities across drilling, completions and production services, further supporting the Kingdom in developing a competitive and reliable local supply chain.TAQA was established in 2003. The Saudi Government, through the Public Investment Fund, owns 45% of TAQA, while the remaining 55% is owned collectively by Joint Stock Companies and several private and industrial investors representing a cross-section of the Saudi industrial community.

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Frequently Asked Questions about TAQA (Industrialization & Energy Services Company)

What is TAQA (Industrialization & Energy Services Company) email format?

The widely used TAQA (Industrialization & Energy Services Company) email format is {f}{last} (e.g. [email protected]) with 75.00% adoption across the company.

What is TAQA (Industrialization & Energy Services Company) customer service number?

To contact TAQA (Industrialization & Energy Services Company) customer service number in your country click here to find.

Who is the CEO of TAQA (Industrialization & Energy Services Company)?

Manal Alsuayyied is the CEO of TAQA (Industrialization & Energy Services Company).

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