We are a professional association for Wisconsin lawyers. The State Bar provides educational, career development, and other services to over 24,000 members. We also provide public services, including attorney referrals, public education, and reduced-fee legal assistance for low-income state residents.
Our mission is to improve the administration of justice and the delivery of legal services and to promote the professional interests of Wisconsin lawyers.
Disclaimer: Statements or expressions of opinion here are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the State Bar of Wisconsin, its members, sponsors, or staff. Due to the rapidly changing nature of the law, the information presented here may be outdated. The State Bar is not liable for any damages resulting from the use of this material. The publication of any advertisement is not to be construed as an endorsement of the product or service offered unless the ad specifically states that there is such endorsement or approval.
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Law Practice
{"address": {"city": "Madison", "line1": "5302 Eastpark Blvd", "line2": "P.O. Box 7158", "country": "US", "postal_code": "53707-7158", "geographic_area": "Wisconsin"}, "headquarter": true, "street_address_opt_out": false}
Lawyers, Law, Legal Research, Practice Management, Forms, Networking, Ethics, Continuing Legal Education, Cle, Public Outreach, Attorneys, Pro Bono, Government Advocacy, Lawyer Referral, Lawyer Assistance, Legal News And Trends, Pinnacle, Practice411, Wisconsin Lawyer
Larry Martin is the CEO of State Bar of Wisconsin. To contact Larry Martin email at [email protected]. Or you may call 608-772-7197
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