About Safe-Strap Company, LLC

11-50 employees View all
105 W Dewey Avenue,Wharton,NJ,US
THE WORLD OF RETAIL CAN BE A COMPLICATED PLACE. AT SAFE-STRAP™ WE ARE COMMITTED TO SIMPLIFYING IT Our commitment to the retail industry began in 1983 with the invention of the world's first child safety seat belt for shopping carts. Since then our success has set the foundation to create a company that dedicates itself to creating pioneering products that simplify the world of retail. The seamless integration of our design, manufacture and maintenance services provide a resource that cannot be matched in the retail industry — we are one company with many product offerings and our increased product range integrates across all channels of retail. Our mission is to provide our valued clients with the most innovative products and the highest quality of service to make shopping safe and convenient just as we have since we were founded three decades ago. SAFE-STRAP'S PIONEERING RANGE OF PRODUCTS HAVE BEEN DESIGNED AND MANUFACTURED TO MAKE THE RETAIL ENVIRONMENT SIMPLER, SAFER AND MORE CONVENIENT FOR SHOPPERS.

Frequently Asked Questions about Safe-Strap Company, LLC

What is Safe-Strap Company, LLC email format?

The widely used Safe-Strap Company, LLC email format is {f}{last} (e.g. [email protected]) with 100% adoption across the company.

What is Safe-Strap Company, LLC customer service number?

To contact Safe-Strap Company, LLC customer service number in your country click here to find.

Who is the CEO of Safe-Strap Company, LLC?

Charma Wilderson is the CEO of Safe-Strap Company, LLC. To contact Charma Wilderson email at [email protected].

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