About Premier Mercantile Services

11-50 employees View all
Premier Mercantile Services (Pvt.) Ltd. (PMS) - The pioneer company of the Group was founded in 1964. Through progressive investment, innovative management policies ad intimate knowledge of marine business, PMS captured a leading share of the market. It is now one of the largest terminal operatiors at Karachi Port. Keeping pace with the technological development in cargo handling sector, PMS was the first company in Pakistan to install fully, Mechanized container handling equipment at Karachi Port in the early 1980’s. Below is the container throughput since 1995. The team of professional executives of PMS equipped with modern mechanized container handling equipment enables the company to handle a significant share of the container business at Karachi Port, averaging 100,000 twenty foot equivalent units of containers per annum at the Karachi Port. PMS maintains its market leadership at the Karachi Port through intuitive vision and better service. The company has been selected by many International Shipping Companies to provide Port Terminal facilities for their ships at Karachi Port.

Frequently Asked Questions about Premier Mercantile Services

What is Premier Mercantile Services email format?

The widely used Premier Mercantile Services email format is {first}.{last} (e.g. john.smith@) with 48.04% adoption across the company.

What is Premier Mercantile Services customer service number?

To contact Premier Mercantile Services customer service number in your country click here to find.

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