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Merchandise Mart Properties, Inc. Email Format

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About Merchandise Mart Properties, Inc.

51-200 employees View all
real estate
MMPI,Suite 470,Chicago IL,US
With its unmistakable presence on the banks of the Chicago River in downtown Chicago, The Merchandise Mart is interwoven into the fabric of Chicago’s history and its role as a leading innovator in culture, art, business, fashion, media and more. The Merchandise Mart is the world’s largest commercial building, wholesale design center and one of Chicago’s premier international business locations. Encompassing 4.2 million gross square feet, The Mart spans two city blocks and rises 25 stories. The epicenter for high design and luxury goods, The Merchandise Mart welcomes 38,500 people each business day and nearly 10 million people each year. Visitors frequent The Mart’s retail shops and restaurants, LuxeHome® kitchen and bath boutiques, floors of permanent showrooms for home, outdoor and commercial furnishings, 15 major trade and consumer shows as well as dozens of meetings and special events. In addition, The Mart has become one of the most sought after office locations for internet, advertising, technology, healthcare, media and educational companies.

Frequently Asked Questions about Merchandise Mart Properties, Inc.

What is Merchandise Mart Properties, Inc. email format?

The widely used Merchandise Mart Properties, Inc. email format is {f}{last} (e.g. [email protected]) with 71.74% adoption across the company.

What is Merchandise Mart Properties, Inc. customer service number?

To contact Merchandise Mart Properties, Inc. customer service number in your country click here to find.

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